had no idea what I was getting into.


New member
I got a bottle of juice from my father in law. Hes been on the shit forever so I trusted him completely. It was sda test 400. I ran 14 weeks at 1ml a week everything went good I put 21 lbs of muscle on and my gains in the weight room are insane. He told me that I dont need pct and that ill be fine and pct is bullshit. Well ive been off for 2 weeks. my balls itch so bad I cant stand it and I have no energy. I did zero research because I took this dudes word now that ive been reading I can see that he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. What do I do?
Start PCT. Hopefully you can get your hands on nolva and clomid.

Also get examined for gynecomastia. Sounds like you did not use an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) while on cycle.

Mentally, you should probably prepare yourself to lose a lot of your "gains". You were probably retaining a lot of water since you didn't use an AI.
Moral of the story? Don't take one persons opinion and make it yours. Do your own research and come up with your own valid opinion. This goes for anything in life IMO. If I had listened to what half the people in my life have told me I would be in a very, very bad place.

What do you do? Get your hands on some PCT gear, I'd recommend toremifene if you can get it over the usual Nolva/Clomid... Check out AR-R Liquid Torem 60mgs/mL 60mL - Ancillaries. They are a board sponser and I and many others can vouch for their quality.

And yep, a lot of that would be water considering no AI and you were pinning 1x a week... next time pin twice a week to keep blood levels more stable, some get away with it but most it causes them sides which are easily avoided.
Most common dosing for a torem PCT is 120/90/60/60

That's 120mg the first week, 90mg the second and so on. Start it as soon as you get it dude, let us know how it goes.
So I got sent to work a day before my shit made it to my house I work on an oil rig in the middle of nowhere btw and im going to be stuck here for a month. I shot another ml and have 5 mls left should I just keep going till I get home? Im geeking out.
If it's not a problem to have your gear there, seeing as your already on now, I would run a low dose (TRT/replacement dose) for two weeks and make your last shot (if it's enanthate/cyipionate) to happen 14 days before you reach home, that way you'll be ready to jump on the toremifene when you get home.

Unless you can get it sent to you there? Which I assume you can't...
Nah I cant we dont get mail. I put a b12 label on my bottle so if they do find my gear they cant do anything lol. How long should I wait to start another cycle? And can you get me a list of everything I need to do it right this time? Thanks for all the help man its greatly appreciated
Do some research bud. That's what everybody else does. 21 lbs of muscle is highly unlikely. Since u didn't run an ai, its probably a lot of water retention.
Dude okay rule of thumb, always research your stuff in anything you're doing. Next gather opinions from people who have experience like on here, but you should have done that before pinning. Take what information you find is valid and go from there. Everyone is different and test won't do any good without proper nutrition and training. Get pct... The guys that say you don't need a pct are most likely from the 80's, because they didn't know what a pct was back then. Welcome to the future. Get Nolva & Clomid
Another cycle? You should be worried about doing a PCT and getting your natty production back as well as learning to diet properly/train correctly before you jump into AAS again.
why nobody reads the threads for the newbies ???? read READ !!! READ mtf and then decide on taking medicines like test...do the pct gonadotrophin, Tamoksifen