had some Q's hope some1 can help


New member
looking at doing deca sust250 and wini

im 300lbs 28 y0 and 15%bf been training 4 14 years

done 6 cycles just wanted feedback

weeks 1-4 deca 500mg ew,sust250 500mgs ew 40mg's d-bol ed....1mg ameridex ed
weeks 4-15 deca 250 500mg ew sust250 500mgs ew.......1mg ameridex ed
weeks 15-20 wini 50mg's eod,1000ui's hcg
weeks 20-23 1000iu's hcg ew, clomid 100mg's ed
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looking at doing deca sust250 and wini

im 300lbs 28 y0 and 15%bf been training 4 14 years

done 6 cycles just wanted feedback

weeks 1-4 deca 500mg ew,sust250 500mgs ew 40mg's d-bol ed....1mg ameridex ed
weeks 4-15 deca 250 500mg ew sust250 500mgs ew.......1mg ameridex ed
weeks 15-20 wini 50mg's eod,1000ui's hcg
weeks 20-23 1000iu's hcg ew, clomid 100mg's ed

So you got
week 1-4 Dbol 40 ed
1-15 deca 500 week
1-15 Sust 500 week

Im not going to comment on the hcg dosages because i dont know much about that but I will help you get that cycle together

First thing is deca is usually stopped 2 weeks before the test
Second deca is usually run a little lower than the test
so I would do one of two things:
1-4 dbol 40 ed
1-13 decca 400mg week
1-15 sust 500 week

or run the deca 1-13 at 500 and the test 1-15 at 750
well there is some debate about this, and i dont know the exact answer to that, but it seems to be prefered to use clomid for post cycle therapy (pct) when doing deca/

300mg day one
100mg for 10 days
50mg for 10 days
in your first post it seems like you were planning on varying dosages. dont do that. pick a dose and stick with it.

i dont like Winstrol (winny) with this cycle i think its a waste. you WILL hold water with the deca, nothing you can do about it. thats the great thing about deca though, water = strength and no pain.

i like this simpler set up better.

1-6 dbol 50mg ED
1-15 sustanon 750mg
1-15 deca 500mg

now if you want something to tighten up at the end you could

switch to prop week 16
prop 150 mg EOD
(this would also help post cycle therapy (pct) timing, no one wants to wait 3 weeks to start post cycle therapy (pct))

and at this time Winstrol (winny) may prove a lil beneficial but not really at your BF%

i would choose dbol again or var

you could run this during the time you shot prop for like 4-6 weeks and stop the oral a day before SERM

16-20 prop 150mg EOD
16-21 oral

22-25 SERM
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ok so lets set this stright lol
weeks 1-6, 40mg d-bol ED,750 sus 250 EW, and deca 500mg EW
weeks 6-15sust 250 750mg EW, deca 500mg EW
weeks 16-20?? what is prop