Halfway thru 1st Cycle...


New member
I am currently doing Deca(400Mg a week) and Dbol (25Mg Daily)

I plan on doing both thru 10 weeks. At what point should I start the Nolvadex(if at all)???

Also, I am already thinking of my next cycle :D Wha do you guys think I should take?? I am having some EXCELLENT gains with the Deca, Dbol and kinda want more.. :40oz:

Brock Landers said:
start the nolva 3 weeks after your last shot of deca

Gotcha.. thanks..

Anxious to see what a good 2nd cycle would be, and how long I should wait after the first cycle..
StoneColdNTO said:
Bro........10 weeks on D-bol, I know it's only 25 mg/day....but 10 weeks ???

Was I given the wrong info.??? :eek: I was told to do it fro 10 weeks with the Deca... I dont have to, but what are the advanatages/disadvantages??

Ken said:
Was I given the wrong info.??? :eek: I was told to do it fro 10 weeks with the Deca... I dont have to, but what are the advanatages/disadvantages??


Most only run it 4-5 weeks........it is 17aa and therefore liver toxic you know.
Ken said:
Was I given the wrong info.??? :eek: I was told to do it fro 10 weeks with the Deca... I dont have to, but what are the advanatages/disadvantages??


I think whoever told you that he mean to say Deca and Test....

Lisen to what Stone said bro.....D-Bol 1-4 weeks.....

Not to be harsh but you don't seem like you know what you are doing bro........you should research every anabolic that you are about to put in your body......do not go by what one person at the gym tells you bro.......It's better to be safe then sorry....

What are your state and age ..btw???
Dbol 4 weeks MAX. Supplement with Milk Thistle and ALA to help your liver. Even if you don't see the sides(doesnt mean there isnt a problem), might as well be safe.

Also, if can get your hands on some, I would run test until the end of your cycle, and quit the Deca about 2 weeks before you quit the Test.

Deca dick sucks, and it also takes longer for it to leave. Test will help that.
I am 6' 3" 228 and 10% BF Age is 28

Been taking the Dbol for 5 weeks now.

First week O took like 10 Mg a day, then week 2 tp Present I have been doing 25 Mg a day.. Damn.. Now that I read up a little more on it, I see what you guys mean.. What Can I do instead of the Dbol.?? If I quit it can I start up on some test?? If so, what do you recommend..

Jyzza.. Its np bro.. I am thick skinned and basically listen to whatever you guys say.. You seem to know more then what my best friend does.. He read it straight out of a book too...

Ken..your in week 5 and this is your first cycle...there isn't much that you can do.......stop the d-bol...continue the Deca like you planned it...and next cycle just throw in some test in there.....

I think it's too late for test now......(the only test that you can use right now is Propinate- fast acting..but I think it's too late)
If you can get hold of some Test Prop, that would be the way to go, seeing as you're already in week 5. It being a short ester kicks in right away, the only problem is you will have to shoot it EOD. I would suggest you do 100 mg EOD.
Well this totally BLOWS! Now I am pissed.. hehe..


(Official Warning)
Please.....don't EVER do that again......

you can not post sources or anything like what you just did.....
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Ok I have some Prop on the way..

Thanks for the input fellas! I appreciate you helpin the Newb out.

What is decent for cycle #2 and how long after the first should I wait to start it.

Ken said:
Ok I have some Prop on the way..

Thanks for the input fellas! I appreciate you helpin the Newb out.

What is decent for cycle #2 and how long after the first should I wait to start it.


What are you goals for this second cycle?

They say Time on=Time off.
guys, lets not jump on this dude witht the whole "dbol is toxic, blah blah blah". You will (most likely) be ok running dbol for a while. Would i run it that long? No. Should you stop now? yes. I*T is just that it isnt very effective after about 5 weeks. NOt everyone experiences deca dick. I have no problem with my sex dribve when i take anything. These guys are just looking out for you man. Next time, consult these dudes before you hit any shit. We can help you out a bit.
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