Halo + Stano + Clen


New member
A little about me:
Mid 20's, 205 lbs, 13% bf (should be down around 12 by the time I start my cycle) Been training seriously for a few years. After months of research I feel ready to start my first hardcore cycle. Just wanted to run it by you guys.

I will start my cycle early-mid April. My goal is to dip down into the single digits bf while preserving the muscle I have, and maybe putting on lean gains if that is even possible. Just want to get a really lean, hard, vascular look.

Will be on a calorie deficient diet and have cardio+weights 6 days/ week.

This is what I had in mind:
Halo-25 50/75/75/75/75/75
Stanozane 600/600/600/600/600/600
Liquid Clen 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off throughout cycle and PCT

Cycle Support:
Advanced Cycle Support RX (start a week before cycle, run all the way through, and finish a week after)
Natty Test Booster (throughout cycle and PCT)
Fish Oil
Joint Suppt

Post Cycle:
Liquid Clomid - 50/50/25/25

There it is! Feedback from experienced users is appreciated! I plan on logging this once I get started. Excited to get rolling just want to finalize everything first! Thanks again!
HALO & STANO *please review*

A little about me:
Mid 20's, 205 lbs, 13% bf (should be down around 12 by the time I start my cycle) Been training seriously for a few years. After months of research I feel ready to start my first hardcore cycle. Just wanted to run it by you guys.

I will start my cycle early-mid April. My goal is to dip down into the single digits bf while preserving the muscle I have, and maybe putting on lean gains if that is even possible. Just want to get a really lean, hard, vascular look.

Will be on a calorie deficient diet and have cardio+weights 6 days/ week.

This is what I had in mind:
Halo-25 50/75/75/75/75/75
Stanozane 600/600/600/600/600/600
Liquid clen 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off throughout cycle and PCT

Cycle Support:
Advanced Cycle Support RX (start a week before cycle, run all the way through, and finish a week after)
Natty test Booster (throughout cycle and PCT)
Fish Oil
Joint Suppt

Post Cycle:
Liquid clomid - 50/50/25/25

There it is! Feedback from experienced users is appreciated! I plan on logging this once I get started. Excited to get rolling just want to finalize everything first! Thanks again!
Pct needs work. It's light

For ur first time three things is a no no man. Really just one. So pick.

I'd just do 75 mg of halo for 6 wks.
Ok what would u suggest for the PCT?

I thought the three would work considering they are relatively mild and lower dosages of the PH. But I will listen to your advice.
I actually ran almost the same exact cycle plus a few other things this past summer. Hdrol @ 100mg ed for 6 weeks, stano @ 600mg for 6 weeks. I also added s4 and mk weeks 1-8 and clen with t3 weeks 2-8. Ran forma stanzol 1-8 + two weeks into post cycle therapy (pct). Also daa the whole 12 weeks+ all the typical support supps.. Followed the Chris Gethin "hardcore 12 week transformation workout guide." Lost a huge amount of bodyfat and put on close to 9 solids lbs and kept 7.5 of the 9lbs after post cycle therapy (pct). However, this was NOT my first cycle of prohormones. I'd start at 75mg ed, not 50mg imo. Overall was satisfied but to many products to take ed. If I do another cycle I just want to do 4-6 weeks of Mbol and/or trenavar/trenazone with t3. Hope this helps.
Okay thanks for the information, Bulldog. So do you recommend just Halo by itself or any others stacked with it? I would like to do some type of recomp like you are describing. I understand this being my first cycle I need to stay on the conservative side though..
Halo or helladrol

75mg for 6wks. Use n2gaurd while on cycle along with DAA. Maybe 4 pumps of forma once at night to control estrogen. The bottle lasts 40-50 days at 10 pumps ED so one will last urge cycle and pct


Forma stanzol, hcgenerate and clomid. 50/50/50/25
