Alright Bro. I guess you missed MY POINT, and that is that you're trolling around this forum giving bad advice with absolutely no experience to back it up! On one thread you're asking for advice on a FIRST cycle, then hoping onto another a giving advice. Really? You're talking about your main staple?'ve never even used clomid, because you've never cycled AAS's or PH's, so what the hell are you talking about? My suggestion young buck is 1: Go learn 2: Go do 3: Give advice based on that order. Hope I didn't mince words this time.
Man, how arrogant are you? If you don't want any feedback why'd you even post here? I'm just trying to help you. Or did you want the entire board to come here and blow you because your cycle is so amazing? Grow up dude.
Also I was asking about an AAS cycle. I'm on an ostarine cycle right now. There's a log on this subforum so you go there and check it out, tell me if I'm trolling.
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