Halotestin will add almost no size?


New member
I hope this doesn't break any forum rules but I was looking at this steroid review:


During it he says that Halotestin will add almost no size.

Is this possible with AAS or is this BS?

From my own research I have encountered many posts that say that most steroids aren't that different.

I recently ran a three and a half week cycle of the prohormone Halodrol, I had to cut it short as I was blowing up when I was looking for recomp (I gained 9 pounds in three and a half weeks have had a stable body weight for the previous 12 months).
Halo will make u stronger and training can intensify and no aas will add muscle w o enough food thrown in...

A 24.5 day recomp netted u 9 pounds ?? Are u looking to lean out or get puffier ? 9 pounds muscle in 24 day s is a physiological impossibility unless u ve been starving for 1 reason or other and ur glycogen storage capacity tanked...I m o .
(I gained 9 pounds in three and a half weeks have had a stable body weight for the previous 12 months).

That will NOT be 9lbs of muscle mass bro, no fucking chance on earth!

I've gained 10lbs of weight in 7 weeks since my show, making the most of meta-bolic rebound from a 16 week comp prep diet. I'd guess 5/6lb of this will be muscle, the rest water and fat. And I emphasise, I am rebounding from a 16 week deficit.

So your 9 lbs in 24 days from a stable bodyweight is most definitely NOT all muscle.

With regard to Halotestin, whether you gain weight or not is down to your caloric intake - not the drug.

It will certainly add aggression and raise workout intensity but if anything it will dry you out (hence why people incorporate it into the last few weeks of show prep)

DO NOT fall into the category of naïve people who think that it's the compound that adds or loses bodyweight on cycle - this is down to diet alone. The drug only assists your diet and emphasizes the results.
Halo is purely for strength.
The only time I ever benched 325 for 3 reps without a spot was when I was on Halo. And that was 6 week of being on it and I did not gain a pound.

Like everyone else is telling you: Diet is what makes you lose or gain weight
BB did a 70 day "replenishing " ie started eating and filling in WHAT WAS ALREADY THERE...after 132 day s of chiseling away some fat some more and chiseling an already big hunk of muscle son.
Please stop embarrassing urself w Discussion Disorder---no one s buying it.
( google it ) -summation...liar.
Halo is purely for strength.
The only time I ever benched 325 for 3 reps without a spot was when I was on Halo. And that was 6 week of being on it and I did not gain a pound.

Like everyone else is telling you: Diet is what makes you lose or gain weight
Ghost . that avi . the avi . yes im on tren . but .... that avi .......
That will NOT be 9lbs of muscle mass bro, no fucking chance on earth!

I've gained 10lbs of weight in 7 weeks since my show, making the most of meta-bolic rebound from a 16 week comp prep diet. I'd guess 5/6lb of this will be muscle, the rest water and fat. And I emphasise, I am rebounding from a 16 week deficit.

So your 9 lbs in 24 days from a stable bodyweight is most definitely NOT all muscle.

With regard to Halotestin, whether you gain weight or not is down to your caloric intake - not the drug.

It will certainly add aggression and raise workout intensity but if anything it will dry you out (hence why people incorporate it into the last few weeks of show prep)

DO NOT fall into the category of naïve people who think that it's the compound that adds or loses bodyweight on cycle - this is down to diet alone. The drug only assists your diet and emphasizes the results.

I did not think it was all mass and I barely noticed a change in the mirror.

That said all my lifts went up significantly.

I also significantly improved my reps at several exercises; press ups, dips, pull ups.