Hard lump's under nipples, Gyno, letro?


New member
Hi, 22 yrs old here, 207 lbs @ 5'11. Only cycle's I've done were March 2012- Beastdrol w/ Organ Shield and Erase post cycle therapy (pct), and June 2012 Test E + Deca + Nova/ Clomid post cycle therapy (pct). I never had any lumps under nippples/gyno/ anything like that, until in about Feb 2013 I was able to feel a lump under nipple, and recently since last month I am feeling one under the right. I ordered some Letrozole about 3 wks ago but still haven't recieved it yet, (hopefully it's legit). But as of now surgery is not an option for me and I am extremely bummed out about this, does it sound like gyno? I also want to add that I haven't lifted from Nov 12'-July 13' due to various reasons... could it be from my hormones from not lifting?

Here is a picture I just took, would like to know if there is anyway I can stop my chest from storing this fat.

Thanks guys..

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Hopeful bump here I lost hope w the letro I ordered coming in the mail, so I am going to give liquid letro from Rui products a go. I wonder if my new gyno is from smoking pot?
K1ng, I really cannot see the "lump" in the pic. Is it a small hard lump directly under your nipple? Or is it more like fatty tissue around it? I have a lump under my left nip that I got after I quit finasteride, but since then I have tried to jumpstart my HPTA with clomid and I used Arimidex (.5mgEOD) and the lump got smaller. It did not go completely away.
Sensitive, sorta burns sometimes. I'm taking 2.5mg of Letrozole daily, about 2 wks in 2 wks to go. It might have slightly decreased in size, it's Sun-Thai Femara, (Hopefully Real), it came from the UK,they even put it in a "Bone strength" labeled package, so I'm thinking it's legit not sure if I'm allowed to post the site or not though, (I just found it on Google).
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Also I've heard that the longer it's there, the less chance you have w/ Letro, so seeing that it's less than a year I'm still optimistic that there's hope..