Has a cycle ever made you someone you weren't sure you wanted to be?


Well-known member
Just curious....and I also think people can learn a lot from this. Have you ever been on cycle and at some point realized you weren't yourself anymore? Not in a good way.....I mean you realized you had a short temper, or you argued about things you wouldnt normally, or you were quicker to physical action than you were before.

We all admit that the right cycle makes us horny as fuck. We all admit that some cycles make us gain more mass than others. We cant we admit that some cycles make us hot tempered assholes? Does this happen to no one? Come on...be honest. Obviously the more cycles you do the better ya get at controlling it....but I want to here stories from some bros that experienced rage.....or experienced relationship changes as a result.

Hope everyone is cycling happily and successfully:) Love you bros
i had a boss who cycled and was all bent out of shape and abusive. his alter ego was always flaring and taking advantage of those smaller than him.
I don't get angry very easily and when I am on cycle someone has to try very hard to make me angry.

What about your first cycle? Or the first time you used tren?

Curious cuz my first was insane. Most things didn't anger me but when I got angry it was hard to control
I'm a lite sleeper and on my first cycle I slept like a rock. I still sleep more soundly when on cycle. With Tren I haven't experienced any of the bad side effects I've read about, but I retain less water and have to be careful when working in the heat and make sure I have plenty to drink.
have used steroids since 1988 am on trt and still do 2 cycles a year.

Am generally easier going on cycle and have never experienced what the op is describing.
have used steroids since 1988 am on trt and still do 2 cycles a year.

Am generally easier going on cycle and have never experienced what the op is describing.

Very glad to hear. 9 out of 10 cycles I dont either........but that first one , and that first BIG one? Holy shit. I was hard to piss off but you were fucked if you did. I cared about different things too......the importance of things changed.

I'd be lying if I said that you didn't just describe the same thing though. "Easier going on cycle " would indicate that your priorities have changed in some way......no?

Thanks for all the input guys
Very glad to hear. 9 out of 10 cycles I dont either........but that first one , and that first BIG one? Holy shit. I was hard to piss off but you were fucked if you did.

this reminded me of an incident though.

came home from work to find out my son in law (15 years old)

had came downstairs from playing video games with his friends

said "hey mom fk u" he said his friend online gaming told him to go tell his mom fu.

i get home im hearing the story and the kid is laughing like its a big joke moms totally pissed.

the whole thing snowballed inside my brain and snapped on the kid

told him off cussed him out slammed doors the whole bit.

was on 300 test 300 mast 40 anavar at the time

the said veins on my head and neck looked like they would explode at any moment

now in that instance the steroids enhanced the situation

but imo did not create something out of nothing

that fit was going to happed regardless