Has anyone used Yohimbine?


New member
I was reading another article and someone was talking about having some childhood gyno problems. They were using letro right now but as with most cases it is kicking in later on. There were quite a few talking about using Yohimbine to battle the chest fat that some people (me included) cannot just get rid of. Anyone have any experience with this?
And I know that many will say tons of cardio and proper diet but I do know that even with that it seems like there is some that just doesnt go away. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
i know many fat burners have yohimbe in them. I have used it and can't really say I noticed anything super dramatic. My sex drive was good though! :D may have been the placebo effect though, who knows.

What percent bodyfat are you right now?
I think I'm about 16% give or take. Im about to start a Helladrol cycle but have always had that pre puberty gyno problem. Even when I was in the Army getting starved and working my tail off I still had a slight chest fat problem. Its not horrible but just looking to try a few new things out. Right now I have my rats taking a 1 week run on letro before a cycle starts to fight some slight gyno.
One other thing, I heard the term Yohimburn? Is this an acutal product or was he just misspelling the word? I havent been able to really find anything out about that name so I was just curious.
i HATE yohimbe. All it does for me is make my cock look like a stack of poker chips and make me have to pee a lot.
interesting can you elaborate a little more on that for me?

When I take it, I get the chills all over, I have to pee all the time, I have to take many small craps throughout the next few hours, I start grinding my teeth, my stomach feels queasy, and my cock shrivels up. It's almost as if it feels like it's shrinking my inside, pulling my cock in and expelling all urine and fecal matter. Sorry, don't mean to sound gross. I don't even get any energy from it.

Now that I read what I wrote, maybe I'm having an allergic reaction to it!???!!!
Thats kind of what I'm thinking, but who knows. Maybe someone else has had the same reaction to it as well? I just thought it was a good sounding additive for a cycle to help eliminate the fatty tissues that will not go away even with a ton of isolation and cardio.
My old workout partner had yohimbe powder he would snort before his workout or put in his drink. I doubt it really has any major effect. Ephedra did!
I use liquid clen and yohimbine tabs and it works great, flatter stomach, fats gone from inner thigh and hips in less than two months
FWIW I tried it three times, full recommended dose. First time was ok ... it actually gave me wood and I felt a slight increase in body temperature. Second time was the same. Third time I had a bad experience with it - excessive sweating (I mean rivers of sweat), I got the shakes really bad too. For about four hours.
My tolerance to stimulants is actually rather high so it caught me by surprise.
If you try it, I'd definitely recommend taking 1/4 of the recommended dose for the first time and increase it gradually.
I personally have used EC stack many times without any issues and prefer that.
Once (if) I get to the 10-12% body fat range I might give it another try as "they" say you should really use it for the "stubborn" fat.
Yohimbe alone will not burn off the fat, but ephedrine and caffeine stacked with one another are a different story xD I heard throwing in lean Xtreme later on into the cut will make it even more promising. Read into it.