Has my suspension crashed!?


New member
I tried making Test Suspension today, its my first time trying to make homebrew, and as i look at it there seems to be a clumpy substance forming at the bottom of the vial but not crystal like!? Its got a bit of a yellow tint to it as well!? Just wondering if it has crashed or wat cos i know suspension should seperate out anyway when left still for a while. I filtered it out 1ml at a time and everything, the solution is a mily white colour its juts the lumpy stuff thats a tad bit yellow!?

suspension cant crash, its a suspension not a solution right? It however can clump up for a few reasons, did you use ps80? I gotta admit I know my Winstrol (winny) suspension inside and out but im not too fly with TNE. Ill let rjh the resident Tsuspension man chime in for ya.
Well i tried to make another batch today and it turned out just like the first one, some sort of oil resedue forms at the bottom of the vial whilst i am making it which looks just like the TNE+BB+PS80 mixture that i heated! As soon as i start to drop the heated mixture into the water+BA it just kinda floats n then sinks staying the same oily colour! Ive tried two differnet recipes and none have worked!

I really need some help here guys, loosing my faith in homebrewing!
