this question comes up a lot and honestly everybody's different bro, hell some people cycle AAS without a pct, do they need one: maybe, would there results be much better if they did pct: almost definatly.
Some guys may or may not get suppressed and osta is mild, mild in comparison to AAS anyways, but I have still seen blood work where guys have had there test halved by the 4 week mark of an 8 wk osatrine cycle.
So in answer I would definatly run one bro, if you get bloods done you can accurately assess whether you need one and to what degree you need to go. Learning your own body is key, and how you personally react to things is vital in this game both for health and for your wallet.
I regularly use osta for bridgeing, my pcts and also on standalone runs and I think the real sweet spot is 25mg a day for 99% of us, some guys may differ but that's the sweet spot imo.
As an example, this is how id run my standalone osta cycles:
1-8 osta sarms 25mg ED
1-8 hcgenerate
9-11 unleashed/post cycle combo
9-11 Daa powder 3g's a day
hope this helps bro, make sure you get blood work and you can tell exactly what you need and get the best results possible for you as an individual