Have gyno in left nipple - run test with letro?


New member
Last cycle I ran was around a year ago, 300mg test per week for around 12 weeks

Used hcg and clomid for pct. Exemestane EOD

Somehow never noticed I have gyno - I guess it never really bothered me

I have a small lump under my left nipple. Somewhat sensitive when touched. Also left nipple is puffed

I want to run letro to kill it - but losing my sex drive doesn't seem exciting

Can I run a cycle of test along with the letro, or will the test make it worse?
Letro bombs are old school. Hit up the FAQ sticky and follow the gyno thread. Raloxifene is FAR superior, although if it's pubertal, surgery may be your only option.

A SERM blocks estradiol from even reaching your breast tissue without messing with anything else. If you had taken test with a mega dose of letro, you would have done more than just kill your libido, it flat out wrecks us to go super low.

My .02c :)
Letro s the nuclear option to a regional conflict bro. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I had to opt for the surgery..it s cake but cosmetic so ins won t pay unless it cancerous or something like that; at least w my fed ins.
Not going surgery route - it's not noticeable to the eye .. It took me a year to even realize it and now it's all psychological

Will read up on letro alternatives thanks

Either way would running test make it worse?? Or if I ran an anti e hard with test would it still kill it?