havent posted here in awhile, some new pics


I <3 |===[ | | | ]>--
well i started lifting at 17 years old and 150 lbs, i am now 20 years old and got to 240 lbs, i am taking a break form lifting, but coming back soon. here is some progress pics, first one is 150 lbs, then some at 210 then some at 240.
well the first pic is actually i at 170, i have o ne form 150, prety much the same jsut a little smaller.

20 years old
240 lbs, smaller now i havent lifted for awhile

DB press - 130 lbs for 8 reps
DB row - 150 lbs for 6 reps
DB curl - 80 lbs for 6 reps
tcable pushdown - 200 lbs for 6 reps
leg press - 750 for 8 reps ( i suck at legs)

i usually use 1g of test a week with 50mg dbol or 100-150mg drol
either 400mg deca or 800mg eq a week

im not a big fan of deca, shut me down prety bad so i am sticking with eq
Damn man. Thats very impressive. Looking Great Nice Work! What was the key to the weight gain? Trying to gain myself...any pointers?
well for diet when bulking this is what i eat throughout the day:

1 whole chicken
drink 12 whole eggs
4 proetin shakes
box of brown rice
2-4 packets of oatmeal
3L water

i have a weird training thing i do to, i only do one exercise per bodypart, maybe 2 for back.

i do 4 heavy sets where i fail at 6 reps then i pyramind down doing each set untill failure like this, training like this hits both fast and slow twitch fibers and you will get a crazy pump:

DB curls
75 lbs x 8 reps
80 lbs x 6 reps
80 lbs x 6 reps
80 lbs x 6 reps
60 lbs untill failure
50 lbs until failure
40 lbs untill failure
40 lbs unmtil failure
30 lbs until failure
30 lbs untill failure
30 lbs until failure
strange, but hey if it works it works! I have the exact same stats as you (minus 20lbs though lol). Whats next in your plans - you gonna keep bulking or cut up?
well i took some months off, long story but i am coming back, bulking first then cut
Nice job bro! Ever think of taking Npp if you are shut down real hard by the deca, try it out.
mick-g said:
Nice job bro! Ever think of taking Npp if you are shut down real hard by the deca, try it out.

i thinki am going to stay away form any compounds containing nandrolone, even though npp is fast acting i would rather not use it. i am going to stick with test, eq, dbol, drol