Having some digestive problems


New member
As of recently I have been having some digestive problems.

Bascially i will be sitting at work or class and all of the sudden i just get extremly gassy(pressure in the stomach), it sucks cuase i have to walk to the bathroom and releave the gas haha.

But I was considering taking in some ginger root 3 times a day.

Do you guys recomened something else?

I have read that lots of guys just have to drop all dairy (milk) and then they are on their way.

Bascially i drink lots of milk and it helps me gain wieght durring my bulks over the past years and never had any problems.

Any suggestion would be great.

take care
I cannot digest iceberg lettuce at all, other lettuce is fine but iceberg no way. Sometimes the combinations of food do not work well with dairy. Eat yoghurt it will help create a proper bacteria balance in your digestive system. Try goats milk for a while it is more digestable.
i will try the sugar free yogurt and drop milk for a few days and see what happens.

I hear Beano and ginger root helps , i may try that out also
Excessive protein powder gave me the same problem...Huskyguy's suggestion about yogurt is a great idea, but the action by the good bacteria consuming the bad bacteria in the yogurt will also make you gassy as a by-product. If you eat yogurt for intestinal health, do it before bed.