Having surgery during or after a blast


Not Novice, But Not Pro
Here's a crazy question. I'm on a 500mg/wk of 'cyp test only' blast. I'm having elective surgery where I will be knocked out for a few hours. I will not be able to exercise for at least two weeks after surgery. When should I go back to my 300mg trt level? Any opinions? a few days before surgery? 2 weeks before? long enough to get below say 1200TT? I understand this may not be a question that most here would have any knowledge of. But I've been surprised before on the depth of knowledge in this forum. I have to sign off now, but I'll be back tomorrow.
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I have had surgery twice while on a blast. Both times were unintentional, but I just dropped back down to TRT doses afterwards. I probably would have dropped back down prior, but I literally had next to zero warning both times.

Just be aware that your vitals may be off a little, and if it requires any degree of post op recovery, odds are you won't be given testosterone while there.

My .02c :)
Does ur cutter and ur rx for trt chat ? Bloods is where I m going w this...if the rx er see s ur level s atr 3200 he s gonna freak cuz HEARTS GONNA GROW OUGHTTA UR CHEST.

Def come down to trt.
Had surgery recently JUST as I started my previous Sustanon/Deca blast which got dropped to cruise levels, surgery is all healed and am training again. If anything cruising is ideal if you cant make the most of your blast..
I had back surgery , and on my pre surgery physical and blood work my total T came in at 1200 and everything was fine and passed the physical with no issues (I was bed ridden and unable to train for months prior to surgery so was just on my trt). . .

after a blast last year I had to have emergency reconstructive hand surgery, no time for pre-op bloods , but they did a basic pre-op physical and checks ,, they listed in my medical report that i had hyper-tension, and they delayed releasing me from the recovery room because I had a high resting heart rate. these two things went down in my medical records, but the only reason they were an issue was because I was just finishing up a blast of AAS.

my point is, if your blasting AAS, it can effect your 'vitals' and the doctors and nurses during surgery may take those vitals as being a negative for some other cause (not realizing your on AAS).
Does ur cutter and ur rx for trt chat ? Bloods is where I m going w this...if the rx er see s ur level s atr 3200 he s gonna freak cuz HEARTS GONNA GROW OUGHTTA UR CHEST.

Def come down to trt.

You're obviously a smart guy, your posts are always informative and I thank you for any input. :-) So when I say this please understand that there is some truth in this, but I'm also just poking some humor at you:

"I'm having a tough time understanding your post. Either I'm really old and no longer cool or I just don't understand redneck talk. ;-)

Also The surgery will be done at a private clinic with no blood tests. So no one but myself will be the wiser to my TT. I was concerned about complications due to high TT and about healing. Looks like my heart won't pop out of my chest onto the floor. so looks good overall. I'll check my TT before surgery though.

WAIT!! I get it!! surgeon and doctor! So it is that I'm old. Damn it
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You're obviously a smart guy and your posts are always informative. :-) So when I say this please understand that there is some truth in this, but I'm also just poking some humor at you:

"I'm having a tough time understanding your post. Either I'm really old and no longer cool or I just don't understand redneck talk. ;-)

let me give a try at interpreting :)

"" does your surgeon thats doing the surgery and your doctor that monitors your TRT have lines of communication open,, to the point where they can and will review your pre surgery blood work together ? If your blasting gear and your bloods come back with 3200 ng/dl test then the doctors are gonna flip out, because of their pre-conceived notions and thoughts that such high levels of testosterone are directly related to heart disease and is likely a contributing factor towards a heart attack .. they may think twice about putting you under anastesia because of their fear of your 'heart condition' sooo ,, you should definitely get your test levels lowered before the surgery or any pre-op blood work is done """

"that ur ride"" --- asking staunch if the 427SBchevy in the avi is his or not

hope that helps ;)
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let me give a try at interpreting :)

"" does your surgeon thats doing the surgery and your doctor that monitors your TRT have lines of communication open,, to the point where they can and will review your pre surgery blood work together ? If your blasting gear and your bloods come back with 3200 ng/dl test then the doctors are gonna flip out, because of their pre-conceived notions and thoughts that such high levels of testosterone are directly related to heart disease and is likely a contributing factor towards a heart attack .. they may think twice about putting you under anastesia because of their fear of your 'heart condition' sooo ,, you should definitely get your test levels lowered before the surgery or any pre-op blood work is done """

"that ur ride"" --- asking staunch if the 427SBchevy in the avi is his or not

hope that helps ;)
Yes, it helps. Thanks. Surgeon knows that I'm a patient of TRT doctor, but they don't communicate.

(At first, when TooTuff commented on what I thought was my ride, I thought: How the heck does he know about my ride? My ride is very fast and rare, and I do not mention it as it might compromise my privacy on this forum. Then I figured it out, when I seen the picture of the car in the avi. It's not easy being old, lol.)
Anybody else go under the knife or in Mississippi parlance, have a "cutter" while they were on blast. ;-) (BTW I love Mississippi. Food is great. People are nice.).
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I'll just add I have tendon surgery after severing it 8 weeks go and am on a 100mg Test/100mg Tren blast or cruise call it what you want... Point is, like I said earlier I wouldn't blast if you had major surgery although it depends on what the surgery is. You seem to be more concerned blood test results interfering with the docs interpretation of the tests...?

(At first, when TooTuff commented on what I thought was my ride, I thought: How the heck does he know about my ride? My ride is very fast and rare, and I do not mention it as it might compromise my privacy on this forum. Then I figured it out, when I seen the picture of the car in the avi. It's not easy being old, lol.)

That ur ride ???

Hehe wasn't too far off having that in a different colour with that 427ci SBC I had in the works... But I digress, replaced that AVI with just as finer piece of ass without screwing privacy ;)
let me give a try at interpreting :)

"" does your surgeon thats doing the surgery and your doctor that monitors your TRT have lines of communication open,, to the point where they can and will review your pre surgery blood work together ? If your blasting gear and your bloods come back with 3200 ng/dl test then the doctors are gonna flip out, because of their pre-conceived notions and thoughts that such high levels of testosterone are directly related to heart disease and is likely a contributing factor towards a heart attack .. they may think twice about putting you under anastesia because of their fear of your 'heart condition' sooo ,, you should definitely get your test levels lowered before the surgery or any pre-op blood work is done """

"that ur ride"" --- asking staunch if the 427SBchevy in the avi is his or not

hope that helps ;)

Love it and thanks for the interpretation Roush, I love reading my good friends Too Tuffs post as he writes like he speaks, hes just keeping it real for all of us.
Nothing but respect for Too Tuff and would never dare to dis him at all.
I'll just add I have tendon surgery after severing it 8 weeks go and am on a 100mg Test/100mg Tren blast or cruise call it what you want... Point is, like I said earlier I wouldn't blast if you had major surgery although it depends on what the surgery is. You seem to be more concerned blood test results interfering with the docs interpretation of the tests...?

Hehe wasn't too far off having that in a different colour with that 427ci SBC I had in the works... But I digress, replaced that AVI with just as finer piece of ass without screwing privacy ;)

Holy crap, I love that Girls ass in the Avi here. Not the one on your Profile. AND you guys with these picture drive an old guy on Test , fvckin crazy

Mrrippedzilla has awesome Avi. Now back to the thread on hand. TY
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You seem to be more concerned blood test results interfering with the docs interpretation of the tests...?

Hehe wasn't too far off having that in a different colour with that 427ci SBC I had in the works... But I digress, replaced that AVI with just as finer piece of ass without screwing privacy ;)

Thanks for your input. There will be no blood tests results. I go in. Jump on the table, They knock me out and operate. Not my first time at this private clinic. You and everyone have given good info. I just wanted to make sure that my health/wellbeing would not be harmed by having a very high TT level, while under surgery. You know, that high TT does not cause a medical complication while being knocked out and carved (as TooTuff says; 'by the cutter'.) ;-) ((Not dissing)) I was glad to see that no one came with a story, that they had medical complications. If anything I wonder if the healing process would be better with high TT and HGH. However, I will bring my TT down, before the operation. And it's an elective operation. I just want to get rid of some of the remnants and ravages of car crashes, fights and weight loss. I might be old, but I'm still vain. :-)
Thanks for your input. There will be no blood tests results. I go in. Jump on the table, They knock me out and operate. Not my first time at this private clinic. You and everyone have given good info. I just wanted to make sure that my health/wellbeing would not be harmed by having a very high TT level, while under surgery. You know, that high TT does not cause a medical complication while being knocked out and carved (as TooTuff says; 'by the cutter'.) ;-) ((Not dissing)) I was glad to see that no one came with a story, that they had medical complications. If anything I wonder if the healing process would be better with high TT and HGH. However, I will bring my TT down, before the operation. And it's an elective operation. I just want to get rid of some of the remnants and ravages of car crashes, fights and weight loss. I might be old, but I'm still vain. :-)

i ran test, Deca, and HGH post back surgery for the hopes of healing faster . it went well. also, my tattooist said he had never seen anyone heal up as fast as I could after tattoo work was done , instead of waiting the normal 3+ weeks to continue working on a tattoo that was recently just worked on, he could work on me every other week because I'd be all healed up from the last session right away.
The scar from the reconstructive hand surgery I had a little while back is virtually gone as well . therapist was amazed at how quick it healed. so i think there are some healing benefits to higher T levels
The scar from the reconstructive hand surgery I had a little while back is virtually gone as well . therapist was amazed at how quick it healed. so i think there are some healing benefits to higher T levels

Yep, AAS, especially Tren if you ever pay attention you will notice shit like scars and bruises heal MUCH faster and I believe Test/Deca helped heal my tendon laceration way faster than naturally and therapist agreed same as you.