hcg after short cycles?


New member
i have just finished a six week couse of deca400 and test cyp 250
week1-3 deca 400
week4-6 cyp 250
would have stacked the two but got some weird sides so i changed to test instead

i have also done 3 2 week cycles before this(not intensionally i had to come off coz i was getting palpitations)
in between the two week cycles i ran post cycle therapy (pct) on all of them 3oooius of hcg 100mg clomid

since i have come off my current cycle and even after post cycle therapy (pct) i have got no sex drive!
was wondering if i have decensatised my lh receptors (or whatever the propper term for that is)
i have kept under 3000ius of hcg per shot but i have used post cycle therapy (pct) for a prolonged period without long breaks

so?could somebody tell me whats happening ?

for example
2weeks of cyp250
4 weeks post cycle therapy (pct) 1500iu once a week clomid 100mg first 5days then 50mg until none left(24 tabs)
2weeks of cyp250
4weeks post cycle therapy (pct) 3000iu once a week for 3weeks clomid 100mg first 5days then 50mg until none left(24 tabs)
2 weeks cyp250
4weeks post cycle therapy (pct) 3000iu once a week for 3weeks clomid 100mg first 5days then 50mg until no more(24)
3weeks deca
3weeks cyp250
pct 3000ius day 1 same again five days later then
1500ius five days after and then again 5 days after that

my nuts are like grapes at the moment i feel like such a pussy!help!!!
First off you should run hcg throughout your cycle to keep your nuts from shrinking to begin with. 250iu 2x/wk should be good. then after your last injection up the hcg to 750ius every 4 days for 3 weeks. then start clomid at 300 day 1 then 100 for 30 days. I use that protocal and never have a problem with my erection or sex drive. If i was you I would run a low dose hcg protocal (250iu 2x/wk) for 3 weeks and clomid again