HCG, help would be much appreciated.. thanks


New member
So I have a question regarding HCG.

So I have a 4000iu HCG ampule, I also have bac water.

Question.. How much bac water ML do I add to my 4000iu so I would I have to draw 250IU?

Thank you so much for taking your time and helping me out, I appreciate it.
Well I like to add 1mL for every 1000iu. That works fine for me but if you are using 500iu doses or higher I'd consider mixing it at a higher concentration just to keep the injections smaller.

The directions on my pharma stuff indicate you should use 1mL for 5000iu, so it can obviously be mixed at much higher concentrations without issue.
You can add as much or as little BAC Water as you want. Whatever you choose determines the dilution. I would recommend choosing a dilution that makes the math easy and the injection volume reasonable.
I don't think you are getting how this works. It is iu per ml that you need to think about. Regardless of how much or how little water you mix in, you will have 4000iu in total.

I understand if I add 2ML of bac water to 5000ui hcg ..That means at the ten mark or 1/10 ml is 250 iu.

But I want to know how to get that same result with 4000ui
Add 1.6 mL if you are dead set on making .1mL =250iu.

4000/1.6 = 2500 iu / mL

Common core has apparently failed us?
Add 1.6 mL if you are dead set on making .1mL =250iu.

4000/1.6 = 2500 iu / mL

Common core has apparently failed us?

The education system is failing our country and many others throughout the world. When I got my bachelor's I noticed that many of the "graduates" were not very bright but I guess we should just accept that society is becoming progressively less interested in knowledge. It has gotten so easy for anyone to graduate even if they lack understanding in their given field, or just plain common sense. Nothing directed at OP, just a general observation.
I understand if I add 2ML of bac water to 5000ui hcg ..That means at the ten mark or 1/10 ml is 250 iu.

But I want to know how to get that same result with 4000ui

So you understand that but you can't apply the mathematical relationship? :-)

There are three types of people in this world. Those that can do math and those that cannot.
I do math for a living essentially, but I am notorious for fucking up and misloading barbells. I think about half the time I get a PR it's by accident.