New member
Hey there i'm starting a gh/test/deca cycle and i was planning to run hcg throughout but a couple guys have told me hcg is not necessary when you are taking gh... Anyone heard that before? If so, why?
Akright then, so is 500 UI a week in one shot ok?? I was also planning on using aromasin but I really can't remember how to dose it.. anyone wants to help? Thanks?
2-250iu shots/week.
Stane dosed daily, even split into 2 daily doses, take with food , primarily fats.
HCG for sure...
As a general rule - these three the foundation to every cycle I run - an AI, hCG and Testosterone.
HCG is really simple once you start running it.
As long as the volume remains under half a milliliter, you can combine them into a single subq shot.Alright then I'll do it, do you think I can mix it in the same shot as my HGH?
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.What's wrong with small nuts and sperm count??
What's wrong with small nuts and sperm count??