Hcg:is it necessary during every cycle?


New member
Hey there i'm starting a gh/test/deca cycle and i was planning to run hcg throughout but a couple guys have told me hcg is not necessary when you are taking gh... Anyone heard that before? If so, why?
HGH doesn't stimulate the testes, HCG does. If you want to increase your odds of a speedy recovery, I would include the HCG while on cycle. Two totally different hormones with two totally different uses. ;)

My .02c :)
Hcg keeps pregnelone and sperm production working. This can lead to less atrophy and quicker recovery of testicular functions. The pregnelone may help keep you healthier since testosterone administration not only stops testosterone production but also other hormones you might need.
Next to ai's to manage estrogen on cycle the addition of HCG to cycles has been, IMO, the best advancement to come along in my 20+ years of cycling. It is not optional at all for me. Use it.
Akright then, so is 500 UI a week in one shot ok?? I was also planning on using aromasin but I really can't remember how to dose it.. anyone wants to help? Thanks?
Akright then, so is 500 UI a week in one shot ok?? I was also planning on using aromasin but I really can't remember how to dose it.. anyone wants to help? Thanks?

2-250iu shots/week.
Stane dosed daily, even split into 2 daily doses, take with food , primarily fats.
HCG for sure...

As a general rule - these three the foundation to every cycle I run - an AI, hCG and Testosterone.

HCG is really simple once you start running it.
HCG for sure...

As a general rule - these three the foundation to every cycle I run - an AI, hCG and Testosterone.

HCG is really simple once you start running it.

Alright then I'll do it, do you think I can mix it in the same shot as my HGH?