Hello-Fyre convinced me to come over here! :)


New member
Hi there...
I am new to the boards and have been wanting to ask some questions, but have been waiting. BFS (my bf) keeps asking me when I am going to post my questions and honestly I have been a little nervous about doing so-it is just my nature. But, I finally decided that today was the day! I was just wondering if I could have some pointers on diet and training. I have been training for almost 2 years now and I have on again off again good dieting. There is a long story to why I lost all the weight and then why I gained it all back and then have had trouble losing it. I will tell it if I am asked, I dont know if it is crucial to helping ya'll understand me. I dont know what all that you want to know, but I figured I would just throw myself out here and get picked apart so I can become the person I want to be with correct training and nutrition. Just let me know what you want to know and I will answer! I will help the rest of ya'll out on the board the best I can! Thank you in advance!
Welcome to the board and like Naturally Catabolic said, please provide your general diet, traninig, stats, etc. for us to help you out as efficiently as possible.
Hi Lauren, glad you're back:)
Okay, first off, I'm with the guys in asking what your stats are?
Perhaps an idea of what kind of training you are doing and your current eating schedule would be very helpful.
If you could take a few moments to answer those questions, that would be awesome.
Again, welcome sweetie!;)
Hi there...
Sorry it has taken me so long to get to all of ya'll. I have had trouble getting in here, I got confused with all the password stuff-must be the slightly blonde strands! ;) Ok-here are the answers to what ya'll wanted to know:
I am 21
I am 5'3''
I weigh 160
I have 28% BF
I have been training fairly consistantly for 2 years except for a 5 month period when I had knee surgery. I now train 5 of the 7 days of the week doing at least 30 minutes of cardio at least 5 days, sometimes 4. I have been in a class for my degree (Personal Fitness) that is a work out class and it has kind of screwed with my regular training. I had been doing upper body one day and lower body the next day. I eat ok. I dont eat a lot, but I snack all day until I go to bed probably not equalling the amount of calories I should have. I eat pretty clean except for a day a week. I am an emotional eater. That is how I grew up because I grew up in a place where you can't "feel" and my way of getting out my anger or saddness was to eat and I am trying to get out of that. I really want to make a lifestyle change. I dont want to eat gross things, but I want to eat well. I have done good so far this week. I have had at least one or two meals a day either a protein bar or shake and grilled chicken breast for another and thats it. I have a hard time with self control-like my room mate will make a cake and I will want to eat a piece each day until its gone. I just want to be able to lose about 35 pounds and maintain muscle. I am on effexor (depression and anxiety medicine), no I am not a head case, but I needed help separating myself from an emotionally, physically, and mentally abusive father and I am thankful how supportive BFS has been, that is why I am here. I have always wanted to help people and I have figured out this past year that I want to help peopel be healthy, but before I can do that I know I have to take care of me!! :) Thank you for reading this very long post and I appreciate in advance any advice that is offered! Have a great day! :)
I forgot to mention that I am on my 2nd week of clen and will start an eca stack after that. I also drink my alotted water for the day-at least 2 gallons. :) If there is something I missed just ask! Thanks again! :)