Hello new friends looking and learning alot


New member
Stumbled across this site by accident and glad I found it, I started cycling many years ago then stopped. All I knew was from word of mouth and limited information I got from a few books most was conflicting and in many cases just flat wrong this was long before the internet. After years of misinformation and a few injuries I stopped power lifting and cycling and just worked out normally. Later in life started having issues with health; Dr. did a lot of checks and found very low T. Started TRT. I did not know anything about AI, and HCG apparently neither did the Dr. Just recently had a regular estrogen check and level was at 76 whatever measurement they use just remember the norm was 20-40. I have learned a lot about TRT and now armed with that info I have a Dr’s appointment next week and a page full of questions along with new test to run thanks to this site.
P.S. remember the banana splits?
Don't know yet, meet with my new Dr. next week. I plan to post new blood work and also follow up, just glad I know what test and questions to ask. when I was lifting everything was a closely guarded secret. the ones that knew didn't talk unless they knew you for awhile and the ones that did talk didn't know anything.
Ah ha ha ha ... Welcome to the board :wavey:

Hey I didn't get your starts. I'm from the old school myself, way back before anyone knew much. Back then I just stabbed my ass and ran on. :insane: This is a good forum with some of the most knowledgeable people in the safe use of AAS. Stick around learn and contribute. !
Back again with help from this sight I'm doing much better feel better. So here is where I started Test: 421 Estrogen: 76 FSH:2.3 before Steroidology 1ml every two weeks resulted in one hell of a roller coaster ride. Now 1/2 ml every 4th day easy to follow due to 4 on 4 off work schedule, 1/2 tab of Anastrozole 1 mg which is 1/2 mg every 4th day taken with injection finally just got in and haven't started yet HCG. Chorionic gonad mdv .5 ml intramuscularly now I'm at Test:721 Estrogen: low 30's don't know about FSH yet. plan to follow the storage process for the HCG. anything anyone has a comment on to help please do so.