Cant believe how much info is available here, novice fitness guy here, looking to step up to some serious training.
My diet sux and that's my first Priority, looking for your favourite super meals, high Protien, low fat and carbs. I want to lose 30lbs of fat and put on atleast 20lbs of lean muscle.
I will eat whatever it takes to get there as fast as possible, help me gurus with all your tricks so I can get where I wanna be ASAP
My diet sux and that's my first Priority, looking for your favourite super meals, high Protien, low fat and carbs. I want to lose 30lbs of fat and put on atleast 20lbs of lean muscle.
I will eat whatever it takes to get there as fast as possible, help me gurus with all your tricks so I can get where I wanna be ASAP