Hello New to the site here to learn thinking about doing a cycle in the summmer


New member
im 20 years old and have been doing some research and i want to do a Dbol cycle . i can only do a dbol cycle since i believe i can pass a drug test with them once im 4-6 weeks off them. im not looking to get shredded just want to get strong as fuck. if you guys have any advice i will very much appreciate it
Oral only cycles are for women only! Posted this thousands of times. Orals along with every other aas shuts down your natural test production. Being a male, you need test to function. Doing this cycle will just bloat you up with water, spike your estrogen levels which may cause bitch tits, high blood pressure, acne, limp dick, fatigue, etc... it could also permanently shut down your natural test too. Do yourself a favor and research stuff before you get ideas. The ology faq's thread has many great links in it that you should give a read...