help 2nd cycle plz help


New member
i just finished my first cycle of
test e 500mg 10wk
deca 400mg 10wk
dbol 35mged 6wk

it;s been 11 week since my last injection and 5 weeks since my last clomid pills (PCT)

i have a blood test done and my test level is back to normal
my balls seems to my a lil smaller than original but other than that it;'s fine (test level is back)

im planning to start a cutting cycle, as i gained so much fat... and bloat from my first cycle

here's the plan i don;t know if i should do an 8week or a 10 week cycle
i want to minimize sideeffect and minize HPTA suppression, so please help
my goal is to loose all fat while gaining some lean mass
wk1-8 (or 10) prop 50ed (350 per week) -- i don;t know if it;s enough to see decent gains

wk 2-8(or 3-10) wintrol 50mg ed oral

proviron 25mg wk 1-8 (10) i want some hardness (will proviron aid gains?)
nolva 20mg ed

CLOMID therepy = 300 first day 200 second and 100 for a few weeks

is this cycle suffient enough for me to gain lean mass and loose all fat
please input!!

help me design my cutter
What are your stats? Height, weight, body fat, training experience? And when you say that you got your blood work done and you were back to normal, did you have blood work done prior to the cycle and you are back to where you were, or is your test levels just back within the normal range?
back in a very normal range--- as doctor it;s normal and actually in the higher zone
starts: 5'8' 176 moderate FAT!
training for 4 years
2nd cycle
i just wannt cut all the fat i gained from 1st cycle and ill be resting for a year before i bulk again
18: and please don;t preach me not to roid up, i already have decided to
i have been unpectedly exposed to steroid at the age of 17 from some sh!tty amino product that they secretly put dbol....(i live in thailand) now the thai company it's banned and sued......

my ball shrinkage is already happening.. im exposed.... no PCT(since i didn;t know they have dbol in it).......

okay.. please critiuqe my cycle.. i have already plan to use it
i been training for 3 years with good nutrition backup... i stop gaining (fast) after the amino company got branded and i was off the product (off steroid) i think it does damage to my test level already...
Well, at 176 and 5'8" I'm not sure there is much to cut. Not trying to sound harsh, just giving you an honest assessment. Since you are adamant that you are going to go ahead with your cycle no matter what, I would suggest a lean mass cycle. This would allow you to put on some muscle will ensuring that you can cut some fat.

I would run the prop as you had it, and add anavar if it is available to you. This will give you the basis to work from. HCG should be run throughout, and clomid and nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) as you laid out in your first post. How well it goes depends on you diet, training and cardio.

And just so I can say I did, I would highly recommend that you hold off. But as you said you are going to go ahead. If so, be as careful as possible.
i will hold off after this cycle....
i gained 44lbs first cycle and now i looked fat! i used to have as low as 6% bodyfat (i am thai- very very high metabolism).. i seems to get cut by genetic.. but i seem to gain fat from estrogen..

so prop 50ed? for how long 8 or 10 week
anavar is out of hand (pricey)
i wanna go with Winstrol (winny) 50mg ed

but according to my research some say i need to run test higher than winnny so
should i go for 50mg prop / 40winny or 75mg prop/50winny

which will suppress HPTA less and which will have more gains..
8weeks or 10weeks does it matter?

also i have been studying insulin for a few months now, and yes it know it;s dangerous as im aware of all the sides of hypo and how to counter then...
i want to gain without fatloss from slin usage
this is my plan of insulin: iwill only be using PWO 4 week on/
no fat for 2 hour before work out
1st) after workout shot 2iu insulin along with 30 gram dextose, 5 g glutamine 5 g creatine
5-10 min later 60 gram whey protein isolate
30-45 min later, 2 can of tuna equivalent to 70 gram of protein, grape juice 28 gram carb
and then each hour from injection a can of tuna, 1st hour, 2nd hour,3rd hour, along with fruit juice....... fat = zero
then after 3hour no food for 1 hour and see sign of hypo....
then back to normal meal..

will work my way up to 6-7iu with 60 gram glucose

will i gain fat from this method???- is it enough to gain good quality mass?
it;s very cheap here 15$ for 10ml slin!
Thaiboion, you've gone off the deep end. No way in hell should you be considering insulin use. Messing with steroids at your age is not a good idea and should not be done. Messing with insulin is down right stupid. DO NOT DO THIS.

From the stats that you have given, it is unlikely that you have sorted out the best approach to diet and training if your gains are what you say they have been. This has to be your top priority. Finding the magic pill will only harm your chances of ever reaching your goals. I can not stress this enough.

If you go ahead with your cycle, you are taking some risks. If you choose to run insulin you are truly compromising your health, now and in the future. I urge you to reconsider.
:) abboot thnak you for all the concerns
i will drop insulin
but i still want to do a light cutting cycle
can you please help me design it.. u think 350 be enough for 176lbs?
and how long i should run it???
i know you are an older and i respect that... but i really need to run this cutting cycle.
so 50prop ed and 40winny ed? for how long 8 week of 10 week
or do i bump prop to 75mg ed?
with much graditute, thaiboion
First off no one "needs" to run a cycle. However, since you will be running it with or without advice I will give you the safest possible. Run the prop for 10 weeks at 50mg per day. You can then run the Winstrol (winny) at 50mg per day during weeks 4-10. Start post cycle therapy (pct) 3 days after your last prop shot. Use HCG throughout the cycle and have anti-e's on hand. Use the clomid and nolva for PCT.

I would also urge you to have blood work done before, during and after the cycle to make sure everything is ok. Also use something to help protect your liver, like Milk Thistle or Liv 52.

Again however, it is imperative that you get your training, cardio and diet down or else the cycle that you are running will be useless. And I would also encourage you NOT to run the cycle at all, but ofcourse the choice is yours. Good luck.
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thank you again aboot for all the concerns and input....
i am aware of my diet-i havce it planned out already.. i been doing this diet for 3 years and gaining very well.. i am asian born in thailand and a very high gainer.. i have a very very high metabolism but now i got fat from estrogen induced from the first cycle of some lame ass supplement that put steroid in it.... i never want to use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) however it leaves me with no choice.. since i am exposed i want to do 1 more cycle to fix everything and put myself back together.. im freaking out from all these fat...

thank you for all the input aboot but last thoughts on proviron, i want to use it as anti-e and get some gain from it, what's a good dosage 50 or 25mg..ed

also i can;t get hcg here in thailand. is it okay to run a cycle without it? i have clomid for PCT, post cycle therapy (pct) is cheap here
i will have a very very agressive post cycle therapy (pct)
firstday 300mg clomid 40 nolva
secondday 200mg clomid 40nolva
first week 40mg nolva:
and 20mg nolva ed clmod 100mg for 30 days

will it be a good PCT?
as for training im training MAX-OT style: 4-6 reps, 6 set large muscle group, 4-5 set small muscle group: and 2 set for semi-muscle (trap/forearm)

rest 8 days per 1 muscle group
it goes like this
monday: chest/tri
tue: rest
wed: lat/bicep/forarm
thu: rest
friday: delt/trap
saturday: rest
sunday: abs/legs
as for nutrition
using 50protein/30carb/20fat based on 2300 cal per day
carb: rice, juice, glucose, bread
protein:tuna, chicken, egg white, whey
fat:from meat, salmon oil: yes im aware of choresterol level.

supplement with muti-vitamin, creatine, glutamine,calcium
Winstrol should not be run more than 6-8 weeks. good dosage 50 mg/day. As you dont want to gain fat I WOULD Run Letrozole as it supress all aromatisation that may occur and soforth blocking estrogen and fat gain. Of course this should only be done if your diet is in check and you are not having cholesterol issues.
last thoughts on proviron, i want to use it as anti-e and get some gain from it, what's a good dosage 50 or 25mg..ed

anyways i cant get i-dex or letro here in thailand
proviron is my only option as A.I.
nolva 20mg ed - my serm
25mg per day of Proviron should be fine. If side effects pop up you can bump the dosage up to 50-100mg.