help 2nd cycle plz help

this may sound stupid but
is it okay to weed up or drink alcohol while on cycle??? will it harm my gain? my health (i know alcohol effects liver) what about weed??? it's a very common thing thai teenager do here... i can;t run away from it
weed can it harm my gain????????? i know it;s bad for lung

also any insight on 50proviron? will it give me additional gain
if i stack 50mg prov with 20mg nolva, ill be in a free test state-am i correct?
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thaiboion said:
will 50 mg proiron give me additional gain? benefit?

For anti-e purposes, stick with as little Proviron as possible.

thaiboion said:
this may sound stupid but
is it okay to weed up or drink alcohol while on cycle??? will it harm my gain? my health (i know alcohol effects liver) what about weed??? it's a very common thing thai teenager do here... i can;t run away from it
weed can it harm my gain????????? i know it;s bad for lung

Recreational drug use is counter productive to your goals. Stay away from it. It is also frowned upon to discuss it in this forum. Do yourself a favour and try not to indulge.
Aboot said:
For anti-e purposes, stick with as little Proviron as possible.

why is this? u saying 50mg will actually harm me?
proviron has no other ability other than its anti-e's one?
i read from various website saying that gain can be seen from proviron (fat burning-wise)

so i was just curious of 50mg is a good dosage
thaiboion said:
why is this? u saying 50mg will actually harm me?
proviron has no other ability other than its anti-e's one?
i read from various website saying that gain can be seen from proviron (fat burning-wise)

so i was just curious of 50mg is a good dosage

I just honestly don't think that a higher dose is needed. Will a higher dose harm you? Probably not. Will you notice a significant difference gains wise? Probably not.

That is why I suggested what I did.
hi again aboot
so the bottom line is this:
1-10wk prop 50mg ed
4-10wk Winstrol (winny) 50mg ed
1-10wk proviron 25mg ed
1-15 wk = nolvadex 20mg
i have got a hold of HCG
what is the protocal? how do you use them? it;s a bit expensive but i can get them: is it worth the money?
400-500 iu every 5 days indeed?
there's one thing i could find
swale recommends to continue HCG for a week after last shot
however if i do short ester as test prop, (pct starts 72hours after last inject)
do i go on a week?
i know HCG DOES supress HPTA: likewise: it would make the 300mg clomid ineffective
from my opinion and knowlege, post cycle therapy (pct) should start with no halflife of any substance left to get its full benefit from stacking up 300mg clomid:::::::::: abbot thx for all the help: now im starting the cycle:::::: with much graditute THAIBOI