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ok, Im making Winstrol (winny) at the moment. Im making it oral. For liquid Im using everclear. I put a little in to test it out and it seems to clump together. Not completely but chunks are there. I know my dosage wont be exact but is this ok? Who has used everclear before for winny?
If going oral, peg400 is all you need. You can use everclear but will have to add a surfactant ,like polysobate 80, to keep it from clumping.
well I finished. It actually came out alot better than I thought it would. When I first dropped the stanozolol into the everclear it turned rock hard. I thought I was fucked. I took the round end of a spoon and mushed it up for a while. Stir, mash, stir, mash... It was a bitch. Finally it became suspended normally and had a nice milky look to it. I bottled it and am good to go. The only problem I had was since it clumps so easily alot had stuck to the walls of the cup I used. I scarped most of it off and used the same cup when I took my first dose. Got most of everything off the sides once I drank it. Finished with 100ml at 100mg/ml.
nice! so you used straight everclear? did it actually disolve or is it like a suspension?
You can get it into solution with enough time and heat. Unfortunately, it will fall out of solution and clump together within hours of cooling. I've been down this road. Not even small amounts will stay in solution in everclear. I quit trying at 25mg/ml.
id50, I dont know what happend with you. I didnt heat it at all, I smashed it up with the end of a spoon to get the clumps into fine powder. Then stirred for a while and bottled it. Its my second day already and its just as milky and suspended as it was yesterday. Looks great. Im at 100mg/ml.
it wil clump back up a bit but you can heat it a few times til it clears and it will not clump as bad. just shake well before each use. i put mine in eye dropper bottles and it works great. havent treid the peg400 for oral but i will give it a shot and see how it does. glad to be back
just an update, 3rd day and still absolutley not one bit of clumping. It is definatly winy though, Just getting it into suspension told me that it was. But its fine. Would it have happend by now already?
Great to see you back PB, it has been lonely aroung here!

Bimmer: no clue why you are having such luck, but knock on wood it stays for you. I personally can't stand having to reheat every single time, though it will work just fine that way.
eye droppers work great. i have some in everclear that pulls up with a 18g pretty good if you shake the piss out of ity before using. the eye dropp works much better though.
pullinbig said:
BTW you can heat it in everclear til it clears. no prob.

I will do that if I have to but the only problem is Im keeping mine in a plastic bottle. I had nothing to hold 100ml so I went to AC moore and bought a plastic vial used for paint or something. I was surprised how good it actually turned out. If I have to heat it I would have to take out a few ml at a time and put it into my 10ml vials.