help ASAP

my suspension is not clear. It looks exactly like milk. And the reason I didnt use peg was its not that much cheaper considering the cost of shipping also and Im very impatient. Iv been wanting to start my Winstrol (winny) for a while and dont care what I have to use to do it. I am 125% completely satisifed with how it came out. I didnt even expect it to be this good.
sounds good. everclear works fine. thats what i been usin for a good while with no probs. peg is about half the cost of EC but the price is still minmal. when i meant clear i was talking about the bottle itself not the contents. lololol
yea bottle is clear. I thought you ment if my Winstrol (winny) went into the solution. Like test goes into oil and it truns clear. Still milky
suspensions will be milky unless you heat enought to melt the hormone. which is why if your solution crashes you can still heat and shoot.
pullinbig said:
suspensions will be milky unless you heat enought to melt the hormone. which is why if your solution crashes you can still heat and shoot.

Im doing that with my test cyp. Its actually working out great, it crashes everytime but I dont want to add any ba to throw the mls off. Heating it everytime makes it go in smooth as butter.
i heat everything just for that reason. lowers viscosity and lessens discomfort and knots on higher mg stuff.
Winny and drol didn't clump on me at all, howeve they NEVER stayed fully suspended. Shake them up though and that solves that, you just have to draw quickly.

PEG400 on the other hand is awesome, but it comes out thick as HELL.
I 'm gonna drink my Winstrol (winny) QV
enough with those painful inj
But am I missing something?
The milky QV Winstrol (winny) is in water and the
crystals float in suspension. Do I have to
put peg400 in it, before I drink it, in order
for it to be absorbed in the gut ?
Or just drink as is.