I really need some advice right now. I play ball at a D1 school, and I just got popped on my first and only drug test that I've ever taken. Apparently, I tested positive for 33 ng/ml of noretiocholalone, and the cutoff is 2 ng/ml. They told me that this was a metabolite of nandrolone. My buddy told me that this seemed strange because nandrolone had alot of other metabolites, and none of them showed up positive except this one. I haven't taken prohormones in 5 years and am not sure why I tested at this level. In the past few years, I stack whey protein, creatine, and a general multivitamin, and that's it. They also told me that no one can produce noretiocololanone at this level naturally and I must be taking a prohormone, but I don't have any other explanation. Any thoughts or ideas?