Help! Flunked steroid test for nandrolone metabolite and not sure why


New member
I really need some advice right now. I play ball at a D1 school, and I just got popped on my first and only drug test that I've ever taken. Apparently, I tested positive for 33 ng/ml of noretiocholalone, and the cutoff is 2 ng/ml. They told me that this was a metabolite of nandrolone. My buddy told me that this seemed strange because nandrolone had alot of other metabolites, and none of them showed up positive except this one. I haven't taken prohormones in 5 years and am not sure why I tested at this level. In the past few years, I stack whey protein, creatine, and a general multivitamin, and that's it. They also told me that no one can produce noretiocololanone at this level naturally and I must be taking a prohormone, but I don't have any other explanation. Any thoughts or ideas?
Definately on the agenda, but I'm also concerned about why I flunked it. I just want to make sure it doesn't happen a second time.
Be straight with what your taking now and don't admit to ever taking anything else. Lawyer up if you need too, to get them to do a test right away. Sounds like a contaminated test.
Will definately do that if I have to. It's got to be a contaminated test or something to produce those levels. I've been wracking my brain to think of what else it could've been. Back four years ago, I did some stacks with M1-t and M-4ohn before they left the market. Could the residual metabolites still be floating around in my body?
Will definately do that if I have to. It's got to be a contaminated test or something to produce those levels. I've been wracking my brain to think of what else it could've been. Back four years ago, I did some stacks with M1-t and M-4ohn before they left the market. Could the residual metabolites still be floating around in my body?
NONE of those will show up as nanodrolone metabolites, GET ANOTHER TEST QUICK bro.