What?! You mean increase sstrengrh and looking good aren't Sides?!! Lol. I was being sarcastic but I guess not everyone gets that.... I was referring to aggression being something I call bullshit from steroid use, I think it's in the users head. He whole "I'm on gear I'm fuckin superman now, look at my increase in aggression after this one pin of tren and Test e" mentality. I do get other sides from using gear but I always have the proper ancilleries to keep them in check. This being said I've gone thru ALOT of trial and error from cycling, starting my first "run" with absolutely no knowledge at all of what I was doing, from running gear with no AI's to having no PCT, u name the mistake associated with using gear and I've probably made it. So after years of reading and research and actual self experience and self experimentation I do like to think I've learnt a thing or two. I'm still very young and still have a very long way to go when it comes to cycleing knowledge, I don't think there's a limit or a point when you really "know it all" about gear an using. I just don't understand the whole aggression thing that people Associate steroid use with, that's all.