Help making Test Suspension


New member
Hey Guys

I was just wonedering how to make test suspension, can you giveme some help. I would liket to make it stronger then usual, is 150 -200mg per ml possible

thanks for all the help
POWERMAN123 said:
Hey Guys

I was just wonedering how to make test suspension, can you giveme some help. I would liket to make it stronger then usual, is 150 -200mg per ml possible

thanks for all the help

anything over 100 is gonna be a pain in the ass normally.

add test base with 25% peg (total volume), heat til it clears, let cool abit then filter it into a sterile vial. add bac water to desired concentration and walaa. test suspension. you can ad a couple of drops of ps80 if you concerned about it clumping up. hasnt been necesaary with Winstrol (winny) though.
pullinbig said:
anything over 100 is gonna be a pain in the ass normally.

add test base with 25% peg (total volume), heat til it clears, let cool abit then filter it into a sterile vial. add bac water to desired concentration and walaa. test suspension. you can ad a couple of drops of ps80 if you concerned about it clumping up. hasnt been necesaary with Winstrol (winny) though.

PB, I am looking into making this. Is this all there is to it like mking water-based wiinny?
Just subscribing for interests purposes!

My Winstrol (winny) will not work with no ps80... don't know if it will work with ps80 (i get it today so I'll let you know)...

Derek_D said:
Just subscribing for interests purposes!

My Winstrol (winny) will not work with no ps80... don't know if it will work with ps80 (i get it today so I'll let you know)...


it may be your powders. We have all made Winstrol (winny) without PS80 and had no problems clumping. Two things I have found that help me out everytime.

Make sure the oil is HOT when you filter it into the water.

Filter the oil into the water, not the other way around.

Good luck!!
Yeah I hear you RJH... and I don't know what to say.... I went in on these powders with another friend of mine who owns a lab and he's been making it with no problems... well see... maybe its just me???

Derek_D said:
Yeah I hear you RJH... and I don't know what to say.... I went in on these powders with another friend of mine who owns a lab and he's been making it with no problems... well see... maybe its just me???


Not to bust your balls, but it prolly is you. lol

The same thing happened to my first few batches. Then one day it clicked and, with a little advice from DougE, they have been coming out like milk ever since.
Yeah, no flame taken bro.... I honestly think its me too... but like I said each batch gets me closer to where I need to be. We'll see if the PS80 helps any! Hopefully it clicks soon cause lots of people keep wanting winny! LOL Damn summer weather :)


RJH8541 said:
Not to bust your balls, but it prolly is you. lol

The same thing happened to my first few batches. Then one day it clicked and, with a little advice from DougE, they have been coming out like milk ever since.
Derek_D said:
Yeah, no flame taken bro.... I honestly think its me too... but like I said each batch gets me closer to where I need to be. We'll see if the PS80 helps any! Hopefully it clicks soon cause lots of people keep wanting winny! LOL Damn summer weather :)


that's why there is Tren in the meantime!! Easy as pie to make. lol

Good luck brother, let us know how the ps80 helps out. That seems to be the helping hand to those having issues with this recipe.
Derek_D said:
Yeah, no flame taken bro.... I honestly think its me too... but like I said each batch gets me closer to where I need to be. We'll see if the PS80 helps any! Hopefully it clicks soon cause lots of people keep wanting winny! LOL Damn summer weather :)


whats the Winstrol (winny) doing?
pullinbig said:
whats the Winstrol (winny) doing?

Basically, after filtering the peg400/ba/winny mixture into the water, a lot of it stays at the top for the first few seconds while I'm still filtering, but by the time I get around 70% of the way through filtering, a few balls of solution fall to the bottom of the vial full of bac water. After everything is filtered around 80-85% of the stuff is at the bottom and the rest is at the top... I shake the hell out of it and then its around 15% at the top and 85% at the bottom after I let it settle, with a large clear area in between (the bac water). Now, when the shake it up, everything goes into suspension except there are a few larger particles of Winstrol (winny) inside (i'm assuming this is either clumping or bad powder). The reason I think its clumping is because I split on my powder order with another friend who owns a lab and he's been making it with little to no trouble. I know a picture would help, but I'm at work... I'll definitely post one tonite when I get home (a few hours) and you can see what I'm talking about... but basically everything looks fine after I shake the stuff, but there are still some things up top (~15%) after it settles... I normally take around 5 minutes to filter the liquid into the water... do I need to be slower than this??? I'm not going drop by drop, but its pretty darn slow... LOL

Any help you can offer PB, or anyone else, would be greatly appreciated!


i added water to filtered solution, then shook.

you adding soultion water the water. dont know if it makes any difference or not?
pullinbig said:
yup. process is exactly the same.

Hey PB, just to be clear, so if the process is th same, you would use 2g of Base for this conversion to attain 100mg/ml right?

Also, think it is necessary to add ps80 since they are different compounds (winny and base). Or will it work the same since technically they are both bases? I may get some ps80 just in case.