help me cut fat


New member
I eat well not awesome all the time but I work out in the am starting with a 15 min warm up them lift for an hour and a half. I work then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I train mma for two hard hours. How can I still have a small belly. It drives me nuts. Should I cut out some sweet potatoes and add protein to cut fat. I just need some opinions
I eat well not awesome all the time but I work out in the am starting with a 15 min warm up them lift for an hour and a half. I work then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I train mma for two hard hours. How can I still have a small belly. It drives me nuts. Should I cut out some sweet potatoes and add protein to cut fat. I just need some opinions

there are a couple of possibilities..

1. your eating more then u think..
2. your body is in starvation mode and has shut down

posting up ur diet would clear things up a bit
You set up a diet for me a ways back. I don't always follow it as I should but I will so what I need to. Ill post my diet in the am
I was in the same boat for the longest time. I started HITT five days a week and watched my diet and it came off in 12 weeks.

Then I took a couple months off and I'm back to starting over. :crying:
4:00 am egg beaters 4 servings
1/2 cup of oats
6:30 protein shake (post work out)
english muffin
9:00 burgers lean beef and turkey mix 8 oz
sweet potato
11:30 8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
frozen vegetables
2:00 8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
frozen vegetables
4:30 tilapia
frozen vegetables
sweet potato

6:30 6 oz steak (lean)

i dont know where to fit the items below ,maybe i can eat them between meals?
yogurt 2
4 servings
almonds 2 servings

4100 cal
129 g fat
320 g carbs
312 g pro

3j this was the diet you helped me out with for bulk. im 33 5'10' 215 lbs 18-205 bf
i was reading about carb cycling. whats your thoughts. thank you for your help and time
4:00 am egg beaters 4 servings
1/2 cup of oats
6:30 protein shake (post work out)
english muffin
9:00 burgers lean beef and turkey mix 8 oz
sweet potato
11:30 8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
frozen vegetables
2:00 8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
frozen vegetables
4:30 tilapia
frozen vegetables
sweet potato

6:30 6 oz steak (lean)

i dont know where to fit the items below ,maybe i can eat them between meals?
yogurt 2
4 servings
almonds 2 servings

4100 cal
129 g fat
320 g carbs
312 g pro

3j this was the diet you helped me out with for bulk. im 33 5'10' 215 lbs 18-205 bf
i was reading about carb cycling. whats your thoughts. thank you for your help and time

carb cycling is the leading way to cut.. and a great way to bulk...

if you wanna lean bulk (the term used loosely) carb cycle is the way to go.

so how many servings of yogurt was it?
I try for about 2. But its alot of food. I have a cycle coming up. Im doing a d bol test and eq cycle and would like to put on mass but I hate not looking like I cycle. I have good muscle mass but its covered in my mid section