Help me get my post cycle therapy (pct) right, Please!

Help me get my PCT right, Please!

I'm finishing up a cycle of 600mg of Test Cyp EW, my last pin will be today.

I have a 5,000iu vial of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for my 10 day blast.

I have about half a bottle of HCGenerate,

and I have like three dozen Nolvadex.

Do I start my 500iu ED of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) the day after my last pin? I was told to do that for 10 days after my last pin, then start my Nolva. Which I believe is 40/40/20/20.

Also, how should I take my HCGenerate? When should I begin it, how much do I take etc?
yes start your Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) the day after last inject....then start nolva 4 days after last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) far as hcgenerate...I dont believe in otc test boosters
people say it works but its really fuckin expensive... worth it? idk thats for you to decide. i'll stick to clomid or nolva.
clomid is proven to raise test levels. hcgenerate may or maynot raise it. i doubt there are many ppl that do bloodwork before and after taking hcgenerate. otc test boosters are not worth the money even if they did boost your test a lil bit. but bottom line is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) generate isnt going to restore your htpa like SERMs will.
Well see, I'm asking about the dosage because I already have a bottle of HCGenerate here at the house. I bought it a long time ago.

I hate to just pop a couple a day but I will if I have to lol. I guess I can google it if I need to.