Help me get situated!!! It's GET BIG SEASON!!!


New member
Ok, I've been researching on this forum since December and I'm at that point where I'm about to pull all of my hair out. :help: So I need your professional expertise! Here's a little info about myself and the goal that I would like to accomplish.

Short History
I worked out and lifted weights faithfully for two years straight but took the last year off to try out for a unit (currently serving your country) and to prepare for a slight gynecomastia surgery. During the last year of working out, I took a few cycles of IBE Epistane which did an awesome job with MASS gain. I admit that the cause of gynecomastia was my fault for careless use of it towards the end of that year. I've decided to delay my surgery due to an upcoming deployment.

My Goal
I am 5'9 170 lbs but would like to gain an additional 15 lbs. So here's my question! From top to bottom, what's the best option!

PH - ____________________________

STACK - _________________________

LIVER SUPPORT - __________________

CYCLE SUPPORT - _________________
** Is this important

PCT - ____________________________
** To avoid increasing my slight gynecomastia, should I take throughout my PH cycle?

DID I MISS ANYTHING - _____________

I appreciate your help and thank goodness I found a website that can provide all the necessary information before I get started in something. I wish I would have found this before taking my EPISTANE cycles. I am going to order all of my materials after the discussion of this thread. Thanks again guys!
Ya you missed the search option. No one is gonna babysit you. Find what you wanna do and we can help you. But by the size of you you need to eat more. So figure out what you wanna do.
Wow, my first gut punch on the website (lol) but it's cool. I knew it would come sooner or later. Thanks for being that guy to bust my forum cherry. :Pokeowned And oh yeah, I've used the search button. As a matter of fact, for all the newbies like me, the search button is located next to the headline that says Threads in Forum : Pro Hormone - Natural Steroids and Steroid Alternatives.

Anyways but maybe you're right. So let me reword a few things and just ask questions.

1.) What's the difference between Beastdrol and Metha-Drol Extreme?

2.) What's the best LIVER SUPPORT for the buck?

3.) Is Cycle Support important and if so why?

4.) In regards to PCT, should I take it throughout my PH cycle to decrease the chance of progressing my slight gynecomastia?

5.) What exactly is Peptide?

Look, as I mentioned before, I've been dissecting this forum to make the best decision for myself. If you're a veteran on this forum and you're annoyed by a question that a newbie posts, then why not be professional about it and either ignore or point into the right direction?

Lol Nah bro no punch. We are all here to help but we don't know what your intentions are. We r getting somewhere. I know a lot of places are getting rid of beast. Beast is good shit though.
No worries man! :)

Yeah, I got my eye on Beastdrol! Let me ask you though, should I use PCT throughout my cycle if I decide to use Beastdrol since I have slight Gyno?
PCT- POST CYCLE THERAPY, as in after your cycle. PCT isnt run during a cycle. FYI, keep rocking that search button :)

LOL :laugh3: Hey smart guy, so are you saying that you should never take PCT during your cycle and there's absolutely no benefit to take it during?

The reason why I even asked about taking the PCT "DURING" my cycle is due to a gyno issue. After doing my initial SEARCH on the forum, I saw that this was not an unusual thing to do for many members in this forum however I couldn't find out the reason why they would. So I assumed maybe they wanted to lower their chance of increasing gyno or something.

So again I'm asking, are you sure Hockeyplaya18 that no one should use PCT during because it's POST? Thanks for your PROFESSIONAL experise!!!!
nolva can be used during but only for gyno - but then its not post cycle ;)

it kind of functions as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) but thats not quite it. I would prefer to runs low dose arimidex instead but ONLY if symptoms appear/get worse.
Ok, I've been researching on this forum since December and I'm at that point where I'm about to pull all of my hair out. :help: So I need your professional expertise! Here's a little info about myself and the goal that I would like to accomplish.

Short History
I worked out and lifted weights faithfully for two years straight but took the last year off to try out for a unit (currently serving your country) and to prepare for a slight gynecomastia surgery. During the last year of working out, I took a few cycles of IBE Epistane which did an awesome job with MASS gain. I admit that the cause of gynecomastia was my fault for careless use of it towards the end of that year. I've decided to delay my surgery due to an upcoming deployment.

My Goal
I am 5'9 170 lbs but would like to gain an additional 15 lbs. So here's my question! From top to bottom, what's the best option!

PH - ____________________________

STACK - _________________________

LIVER SUPPORT - __________________

CYCLE SUPPORT - _________________
** Is this important

PCT - ____________________________
** To avoid increasing my slight gynecomastia, should I take throughout my PH cycle?

DID I MISS ANYTHING - _____________

I appreciate your help and thank goodness I found a website that can provide all the necessary information before I get started in something. I wish I would have found this before taking my EPISTANE cycles. I am going to order all of my materials after the discussion of this thread. Thanks again guys!

DUDE u just need ta eat like a motherf***r simple as dat
LOL :laugh3: Hey smart guy, so are you saying that you should never take post cycle therapy (pct) during your cycle and there's absolutely no benefit to take it during?

The reason why I even asked about taking the post cycle therapy (pct) "DURING" my cycle is due to a gyno issue. After doing my initial SEARCH on the forum, I saw that this was not an unusual thing to do for many members in this forum however I couldn't find out the reason why they would. So I assumed maybe they wanted to lower their chance of increasing gyno or something.

So again I'm asking, are you sure Hockeyplaya18 that no one should use post cycle therapy (pct) during because it's POST? Thanks for your PROFESSIONAL experise!!!!

You can run Aromasin or Adex during cycle, thats not considered post cycle therapy (pct) BRA. Those are AI's to control Estro levels during cycle. Yes you may want to have thiings like Clomid Nolva and Letro on hand during cylce in an emergency gyno situation. THATS NOT post cycle therapy (pct).:wackit:
You can run Aromasin or Adex during cycle, thats not considered PCT BRA. Those are AI's to control Estro levels during cycle. Yes you may want to have thiings like Clomid Nolva and Letro on hand during cylce in an emergency gyno situation. THATS NOT PCT.:wackit:

why the fuck would you use clomid for gyno? :wtf:
Is there any reason why you prefer a prohormone cycle instead of a proper cycle? I know you're in the armed forces and AAS might be difficult to come by but I just want to know your reasoning. To me I dont see the benefits of a prohormone cycle, no matter what gains you make from them. Anything that is a derivative of a derivative or methylated is pretty toxic to your liver AND shuts down your HPTA.

I'm just saying, go big or go home.

P.S. You need to eat homie.
OP, buy a bottle of helladrol....its a halo clone. run it at 75mg for 6wks. cycle support is important with orals, if you dont know why you shouldnt be using this shit in the first place. get clomi/nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) along with a ai/t booster.

if you get a good all in one cycle support product you wont need extra liver support. i stick with N2Gaurd. having letro on hand is good in case gyno starts to creep up on you.

it really sounds/seems like you need to do more research on your own. you need to figure out what cycle will find your needs, and more overall AAS/PH knowledge.
Lol, soooo the best emergency gyno is LETRO???

adex or aromasin IMO - i keep arimidex. letro can kill all estro in your body and cause other problems. you'll have a little more leeway with the other two.

if you've beyond fucked up and need something in the aftermath letro is probably the way to go, but i wouldn't keep it on hand for regular just-in-case situations
So after additional research, I think I'm going to go with the following line up. Tell me what you think.

PH - Metha-Drol Extreme
Transdermal Dienolone as base

Cycle Support - N2Guard

AI - LiquiDex

PCT - Liquid Tamox and Liquid Clomid

What do you guys think?

Also wondering if I should include any peptides to support PCT?
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