HELP! new to PEPTIDES GHRP-6 & CJC 1295


New member
Hey guys
I recently purchased three 5 mg vials of GHRP-6 and three-2 mg vials of CJC 1295.
Now to be completely honest i have no idea what im doing i got told to get these by a mate he said to mix them both in the same needle and so on. So i have some questions...alot :)

1.Firstly What are the main benefits of both of these peptides obviously muscle growth but in what way??.. does it make you heal quicker or what? I ask this because i want to know if i am able to train the same muscle groups everyday except sundays and have complete growth by doing so or do i still need to skip a day to let recover?

2.Secondly i got told to mix my vials up with 2ml's of water each .. is this correct? if so how many units should i be using three times a day?

3.Thirdly How long do they stay good before put in a freezer/fridge.. im asking this because when my mate sent them to me i didnt put them in the freezer for about 2 weeks they sat in my room now my rooms not a hot place and it is winter here but i just wanted to know are they completely fucked or is it still worth trying?

4. fourth.. eating times.. i got told not to eat 30 minutes before and after pinning is this correct? And also should i stick to my normal diet meaning protein shakes lean meats etc?

5. I got told to do it in the fat of my stomach.. if im mainly trying to work on my upper body. arms pecks etc would it be better to put it in the muslce im mainly working on or doesnt it matter?

and also is there any specific times i should be doing it? my friend told me to do it before training but ive heard it really doesnt matter just three times a day??

Sorry if ive bored alot of you with these questions i know some have been answered else where but i get different responses from different places i just wanted to get a final idea on all of this :)
1. your in the wrong section. The anabolic steroid or research peptide sections are more appropriate.

2. never take something you don't know shit about, that's a good way to fuck yourself up.. get to reading. You have a GHRP and a GHRH, you need to read the differences and why you are taking both together and not simply a higher dose of 1. doses are usually 100mcg of each 3x a day. I don't think where you shoot makes a difference(as long as it's sub-q). Yes you pin in your fat (sub-q injection). GHRP-6 is the one that causes cortisol and prolactin to spike (I think), so look into that... I don't think peptides breakdown untill they are reconstituted (is that the right word?) with BAC water, then they last a month? Like I said this article and many others, then ask questions, then maybe run these..