help on my first cycle!!!!


New member
24 yrs old 5'8" 171 lbs about 8-10%bf

was wondering if i should take

wk 1-10 250mg test e
wk 1-10 dianabol
wk 1-12 zitazonium

i also have 100 tabs 10mg winstrol, 9 2ml vials deca, 1amp 5000i.u. hcg, 60 tabs zitazonium 20mg and 15 amps primobolan.

i know its alot of stuff for a first cycle but got excited and bought all of it before doing research. i dont have the test-e yet but since ive been reading all of the fourms i found that thats best for my first cycle. can i make a cycle out of what i have....just dont want it to go to waist....can you guys help make cycle 1&2 out of what i have?
thanks for your help
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man u should have did research, u fucked 1st Test is a must, thats the base of all great cycles 2nd just save the deca and primo for future cycles. i know u dont wanna hear this but u should only do test. So i know ur not gonna listen to that so go ahead and use the dbol week 1-4 or 6 at 40-50 mgs. so a cycle would look like this...

week 1-10 test e at 500mgs 1ml mon and thur
week 1-4or6 d-bol at 40-50mgs ed
pct week clomid 12-16
Thanks juiceman
instead of the clomid can I take novla wo 12-16? And what is An example of using the deca and primo for my second cycle?
yes u can use nolva, run deca at around 300-400 mgs a week its a long ester so run it with a long ester test id perfer cypionate with it. enathanate will work as well with it at 500mgs a week, but focus on this cycle and do it right, make sure u stick around here and make sure u get all the info u need before u do stuff. we wont steer u wrong. alot of experience here. U will be very please with the results from this cycle 4 sure.
yea i was about to say somethin about beat me to it.
14% really...? Guess I'm a little bit more fluffier than I thought...

everybody thinks they are leaner than they are. 14% is good, you should be happy. at 8% you would have an 8-pack with veins running through your stomach and back.