Help please, infection or virgin muscle?

The first few times I did quads I had pretty bad pip. After a couple rounds of injecting I noticed a few things. My pain was greatly reduced when I took my time and didn't wiggle the needle around during the shot. You said when you aspirated the needle came out some? Weren't you holding the syringe with your other hand? If your not smooth your basically swinging a tiny saw back and forth inside your muscle...
Quick update: just shot into left glute with 23 1.25 inch. Only shot .75ml this time to see this lessened the PIP while its a virgin muscle. No blood on aspiration and took around 90 seconds to put in the .75ml so gave it plenty of time. Applied pressure for 2 mins and am now sitting on a heat pad while i have my pre-workout. Will keep you updated.

So how did it go?
The first few times I did quads I had pretty bad pip. After a couple rounds of injecting I noticed a few things. My pain was greatly reduced when I took my time and didn't wiggle the needle around during the shot. You said when you aspirated the needle came out some? Weren't you holding the syringe with your other hand? If your not smooth your basically swinging a tiny saw back and forth inside your muscle...

Hey mate, yeah I was holding onto but I was just complacent with my technique.

First things first, my quad is a LOT less painful however still swollen (I was standing 6 hours straight on it at work today) not really red except after applying heat. I've mixed between hot and cold packs (cold to reduced inflam and hot to help disperse test through muscles). There are what feels to be occasionally hard bumps, only 1 or 2 of them on my quads not sure what they are. Still no sign any fever but I'm self-monitoring my status so closely because this being my first cycle I don't know what to expect.

Secondly after my dorso-gluteal shot yesterday which I only shot .75ml there is some tenderness there which came on after just a few hours post injection but nothing else, its a little saw to sit in the car and some movement but other than that quite bearable. This makes me think that it was my poor technique combined with a virgin muscle that caused this reaction. I really can't fair and say that glutes>quads but if I was to have my time again I probably would have gone with glutes as its a larger muscle therefor the substance should be more easily absorbed. I'll update in a couple of days unless someone asks before hand.

Thanks lads for your responses.
Studies have proven that to limit the effects of intra-musclar injections is to apply manual pressure to the air for at least 10 seconds. I wouldn't be using cold packs as this will freeze up the crystals particles resulting in prolonged inflammation reaction. These have very low lipid solubility and diffuse slowly so best way to to speed up the process is by apply heat, massage and ensuring you have adequate blood going to your legs.
Hi all, this will most likely be my final update. Yesterday (Tuesday) I pinned my left quad again this time going with 1cc. I was a little worried seeing as the left was still only about 70% recovered but there was no signs of inflammation remaining. I wanted to avoid going into the right quad as this is still a virgin muscle and I am DYING to train legs properly sometime in the next couple of days. I woke up with the morning after with some pip but definitely not crippling.

I'd like to have a little rant regarding some of the "meatheads" on these forums that post saying PIP is nothing grow some balls and train through it. To these guys, please understand the exact context of where you make this remark as I can attest that my original PIP was the same feeling I had when I tore my left quadriceps playing rugby 3 years ago which kept me out for 10 weeks. It literally is CRIPPLING its not just a bit of a dead leg, in my case I simply could not weight bear in the slightest without collapsing to the ground.
The fact is: pip, especially into virgin muscle SUCKS! It feels like you've been kicked in whatever area by a mule...but the other side of that same coin is: we have ALL dealt with it in the past and worked through it. Did it suck? Absolutely! Does it get better? Absolutely! After a while, your quads will actually get used to having a 1" tube driven into it on a daily basis, and it won't react that way any more.

The guys that are saying: man up, mean exactly with it just like everyone else here has, and in a few months, it will be nothing to you!