Help please, infection or virgin muscle?


New member
Ok so for the last two days I've searched the net looking at threads similar to this however I haven't found my exact situation and I'm starting to get a little concerned with my leg. Here some info on the situation:
-male,174cm tall, 76kg, 25yrs old, 11% bf (calculated with sum of 6 skinfolds)
-trained 3-5 days per week for around 8 years now
-first cycle is 12 weeks 500mg test e per week taken in two doses, Gear is Nordicor Test E 250mg/1ml
-have aromasin and arimdex on hand for gyno and nolva for pct and most likely get clomid closer to PCT
-18g needle to draw test and 25g 1" to pin quads or delts and 23g 1 1/2" for glutes should I want to go there.

So here's what happened. Monday morning woke up had a shower to warm muscles pinned my left quad (in hindsight its basically halfway down my femur and only just to the outer side) also this was my first ever time injecting all together so virgin muscle. Didn't warm the test at all and probably emptied 1cc in about 40 seconds (too quick I know now). I did aspirate however when I did it needle came out half an inch so i re-inserted and aspirated again and nothing so injected.

No pain at time of injection just a bit tender, went and trained arms and felt extremely strong/good, that night played indoor soccer on it and it felt a bit sore to start with but was fine once I was warm.

Woke up Tuesday morning with my left leg completely dead and could not really weight bear on it except when full extended with my knee locked straight limping around, it was not red or swollen and I can barely see the pin prick even today Thursday. I hobbled into the gym and trained back and shoulders and felt great again, no signs of fever.

Wednesday much the same felt good first when waking up but then once moving around was very painful and started to swell when I was putting heat packs on it and also standing on it. Even after not having a heat pack on it there is a light heat coming from it and it is a little red.

Thursday woke up with it feeling a bit better again and I can now push up stairs on my left leg again but still not a great range of movement or it feels like im tearing my muscles apart. I had to stand for 5 hours at work and its swollen and a bit red and a little warm.

It is now Thursday night, throughout this time I have had no signs of fever and in fact have felt great apart from being a little frustrated at how long this pain will last and I can train legs. Depending on feedback here I think I may either check for an abscess myself tomorrow morning (Friday morning in Aus) or just go and see the doctor and tell him I injected b-12 IM and this happened haha.

P.S. I should add that the swelling is nearly completely just above the knee. There is very little swelling if any over the actual injection site and the area of the leg proximal to it.
Happened to me too, I don't pinn my quads anymore only delts. My swelling and pain last a week, only thing I found that helped was ibuprofin, hope you feel better.
when your knee swells up it usually means you missed the muscle, and it is just floating around, you should be fine in a week but if you getting fever and red swelling spreading you have an infection. make sure the redness is not just where it is swollen.... that can be normal pip
How did you do 1cc if your gear is 250 mg/ml and you said you were only doing 500 a week, taken in 2 shots?
^^^ 1cc is 1ml. Therefore it 250mgs/ml/cc. And as for the question. Its perfectly normal for someone to get pip as bad as you. The BB/BA ratio is probably to high and causes the extreme pip. Or you are allergic to an ingredient. Or you missed the muscle as said above.
As a first timer myself (5th pin today) I recommend the ventro glute. I cannot say it has been totally painless so far, but at worst I had a sore muscle for a couple of days and it did not prevent me from training or doing anything else.
Did my first shot ever a week ago in my glute and had nearly identical issues, with the redness, pain and swelling. Mine went away after about 5 days. I took hot showers and would massage the area and tylenol. Thats what got me through it. ya gotta just beast through it.
^^^ 1cc is 1ml. Therefore it 250mgs/ml/cc. And as for the question. Its perfectly normal for someone to get pip as bad as you. The BB/BA ratio is probably to high and causes the extreme pip. Or you are allergic to an ingredient. Or you missed the muscle as said above.
This^^^^^^^^^^ I've taken some nasty painful gear in my day. Could be any number of things. Painful gear is much easier taken in the glute.
Guys thanks a ton for all of your replies, this was great info to wake up to. This morning I would say I've improved about 20% on my arbitrary scale.
-Swelling above knee is a little less and I have much better strength in it and a little better range of motion
-It's still red and hot but I feel fine myself.

In all honesty I feel as though it's been a number of factors compounding the situation but I feel like I will be still about 4-5 days from being able to do any serious leg work (im trying to take small walks and stairs to reduce muscle atrophy through this time).

I was supposed to inject yesterday (thursday) however I held off on the off chance it was gear related or the infection turned really sour. I'm pretty keen to do my second injection today and I was planning on pinning my delt as at least this wouldn't cripple me all over again and I'd have people asking questions. But have seen most of you suggest ventro glute I'm thinking I might go into my left side again but into the glutes so it will essentially be a limp onto a limp.

P.S. I've managed to hobble to the gym each day and I've already put on 2kg since monday (hopefully not 100% water)
Sounds nasty' I usually just hold a hot water bottle on the area with a little firm pressure.
I had some rough gear like this a while back but I diluted it down with some that I knew was painless and it kinda halfed the pain.

Well at least you've got something to look forward to......

You get to do it all again every 3 days'...!

Good luck mate hope its hurts less next time and I'm sure it will as you get used to it :)
Same thing happend to me my first couple pins. Redness, felt hot took about a week to go away. Your muscles will get used to it bud. As posted above Ibuprofine will help a little
Happened to me too, I don't pinn my quads anymore only delts. My swelling and pain last a week, only thing I found that helped was ibuprofin, hope you feel better.

I'm starting my cycle in a month and I was adamant on pinning my quads. Looks like this isn't an option anymore haha. Would I be able to get away with just rotating my glutes in a prop cycle? I'll be doing the Monday, Wednesday and Friday pinning schedule due to convenience.
Quick update: just shot into left glute with 23 1.25 inch. Only shot .75ml this time to see this lessened the PIP while its a virgin muscle. No blood on aspiration and took around 90 seconds to put in the .75ml so gave it plenty of time. Applied pressure for 2 mins and am now sitting on a heat pad while i have my pre-workout. Will keep you updated.