Help please! My Anavar solution crashed!


New member
Guys really need your help on this..

I made some Anavar solution (5 grams) with 100% ethanol and PEG300, according to Lozgod's's quite popular on some forums.

Anyways, i think it has crashed at the bottom.

I have tried to heat it (but not boil) , shake it , stir it, but it won't dissolve.

How do I remedy this problem?

thanks !
Well ana Anavar (var) sucks. Im not suprised its crashed. Lozgod had the right idea with the other chems but Anavar (var) is just fickle as fuck. Heat it up everytime is what id suggest.
what was the concentration?

I "almost" got it in solution but at extreme low concentration, like 8mg/ml. And with 80% ethanol plus 30% PEG i think, can't remember the exact amount of peg i've used.

The best way for Anavar (var) is to cap it. And I've learned that the hard way, using daily 8ml absinthe 160proof to carry 64mg of oxandrolone.
With var, either:

1) Cap it (this is how I did it thanks to the great advice in this forum and this is the only way I will ever do it)

2) Suspension. Olive or walnut oil or something.

I doubt that I will ever purchase PEG. I don't know shit about it, but it seems like 90% of the time when there is a problem, PEG is somehow involved. And more importantly, I don't think I need it. Capsules and water and ethanol and oil give one a lot of options.

PS I haven't been impressed from 120mg of Oxandrolone/day. Nor any of the other gear. I'm getting pissed.

Caps or oil. Done and done. SUSPENSIONS ARE FINE FOR 20+ MG/ML BREWS.

GOd damnit when will people learn (no offence to the original poster, I blame lozgod for this rediculousness). Solutions are only really needed when dosing accuracy is a MUST due to inherently LOW concentrations, like arimidex and letro, or better yet clen or t3. Anything dosed in the 20+ can be thrown in vodka or oil. If you like vodka, a lil squirt in the ol orange juice and your breakfast is complete. You like oil? Super-Salad dressing.