Help plz ! My first cycle of testosterone enanthate


New member
Hey every body ! I'm in the first of week 4 of test e only cycle ! But don't. Feel anything different ! I'm 20 years old and my sex drive is too high without steroid , and I have oily skin without steroid asloo ! So can any one tell me how I should know I'm on the right way or not ! And thanx !!
Dosage: 250 mg twice a week !! ( 500mg) ! Front loaded with 1000mg first week ! It's my first cycle

I'm 164 pound
Diet: 230 gram protien
303 gram carb
75 gram healthy fat
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No didn't ! But should I notice anything in the last for weeks ?!!! Because I really don't feel anything different !! 2: I know I'm idiot because that but I also didn't make blood test before my cylee so how should I know my test is recoverd after the cycle ?!!!
Your to young but your options are to stop now.
Continue with either bunk gear shitty training or probably both.
Did you buy your AAS from the same guy who told u to front load ? If so u need to distance yourself from his DUMBASS as his goal to move product..period.
If ur sex drive was killer before AAS introduction u maybe at 20 able to stop without PCT. What s that ? Read read read some more or ask ur phone.

I m to damn tired to teach u cycling 101 right now son. I m working on a masters in Audi shade tree right now but you need to stop before unfucking urself involves doctors.
Respect your opinion ! But I trained 2 years before using that ! My little information from internet ! And we got the gear from a pharmacy so I'm sure it's not bunk in my country it's legal
I m not being an ass buddy but I been training FOR 32 YEARS. Competitions, bouncer, then as a Federal school crossing guard, off shore engineer work, as a diver, a sec director. Now as a PT and other stuff requiring physically exerting myself.
My body has always been my money maker despite 3 degree s.

ALL u need to know to form informative q s is out there on the net or in stickies.

Laziness is my last pre judice so...go do some reading son.

AAS are legal in so many countries to buy use. To sell or ship---can be jail time. Jail in Jordan, Albania and Thailand sux. I m told.
Someone call Ripleys! This site has discovered that one male specimen who:

Has stopped growing in his teens
Does not need AI nor PCT to cycle "because test is legal in my country"
And, and (this is the clincher ) feels no effects from 500mg of guaranteed primo test after 4 weeks; frontloaded!

Just proves to me that teenagers are dumb asses all over the world!

Ok, now that I've had my fun, let's get serious. Sorry.

This site has some of the most knowledgeable and patient folks when it comes to this subject, but I'm sure it gets pretty damn exhausting to spend EVERY SINGLE DAY trying to get young guys like yourself to listen! To read! To SLOW DOWN! To not fuk your natural system up Permanently at such a young age!

If you are a normal, healthy male in your teens and now 20yo, your body is OVERFLOWING with natural testosterone. It drips from your friggin pores!
The instant you put ANY other test into your body, your natural test stops! It's not additive. It s t o p s. Your body ceases to create it.

You, my friend, are playing 'Russian roulette ' with your natural biology...... and surprise! You don't even feel it anymore!

Without AI you are swimming in estrogen
Without bloodwork, you are doing it blindfolded
And without having PCT in hand, you have no exit strategy.

That is the definition of a dumbass.

Rant over
you should have waited till about age 25. using it at 20 is risky, you are not finished development if internal systems and aas can stop that for life. its not the same when someone in their 30s uses aas.
anyways for decent gains expect a bunch of cycles. many think magic will happen when they do a cycle, specially a first cycle and its not like that, its only a tool to help when everything else is in place so maybe your expectations are too high.
good luck
I would just stop asap, best you could do. and wait till around age 25 and hope you didnt do too much damage from this. also NEVER start a cycle without PRE-CYCLE blood work. specially before your first cycle, or you will never really know where you where at nor see permanent changes in hormone levels through comparison.
even when my doc gave me deca only cycle, m first use of aas many years ago (i do not rec it btw) he gave me pre-cycle blood work on hormones and the rest to be sure where I was at and incase anything was already off.

i would just stop right now and get blood work in 6-8 weeks IMO
Will stoop doing this shit !! But if u think I already fucked my natural hermone I think I will continue ! ?!! What u think because if i did I will not get any natural gains by training naturally

I am 8 weeks into a 500mg/ week test enanthate cycle. My estrogen has been difficult to control throughout the cycle and I have been using arimidex e3d .25mg for majority of my cycle. Last week (week 7) I had this brilliant idea to jump my doseage up to 750mg and after further research realized that was a terrible idea. I only did week 7 at 750mg. Obviously my estrogen side effects are extremely high and I can feel my body being taken over by estrogen. I feel like I am losing my super human lifting abilities in the gym. I realize what I did was extremely foolish and am just wondering if I should finish the remainder of my cycle at 750mg/ week for a little less then 4 weeks, or jump right back down to the 500mg/ week and finish out the last 5 weeks? I was also considering possibly skipping my next injection and see if my test levels will fall a bit to get me back in the 500mg/week range, I don't know what to do please help!!