help save our supp's

this is saddening.........i see many wanna bitch and moan about losing our supp's but none wanna step up and do their part......only 18 ppl have been here to look at this and none have replied .........this lets me know, either all have given up hope or none trully cared....look i posted this to help us atleast have a chance.......but if none care that much i must have wasted my time by posting this....
i get it now........

oh ok, thanks i get it now..........i saw it several times in other posts but never realized what they were doin' when they did that........(on a differnt subject: grafix-gnc i have to thank u for the virtual bb ....i saw it in ur signiture and had to see what it was about rocks.).... well i hope ppl start paying attention to this post now............also i mean it when i say if ur members of other sites like this site, repost that link and spread it, thats the only way we can fight this is by sticking together.....
I sent out faxes last week. We need to flood congress with our opinions. Too many complain and do not take action. I hope the retired people take this on as they did with the DHEA ban. I am going to send out more faxes next week.