Help - test prop cycle mistake


New member
Hey guys,

For a little background, I am currently running a short 6 week cycle of test prop and winstrol. I am currently 2 weeks in. It is not my first cycle, so I know the mechanics behind it. My issue comes from a foolish mistake I made today when pinning. Unbeknownst to me, my source put an extra vial of Test E, not Prop, in with what he gave me. Instead of taking the 100mg of prop that I should have taken on an EOD basis, I took 250mg of test e, and didn't realize it until after. I didn't come here to get flamed about being more careful, I just was curious what you guys think the next course of action would regarding the next inject.

Do you have more prop? You need to keep injecting prop otherwise your TT levels are gonna drop for a good period. If all you got is enanthate then you'll just have to keep pinning that (I would front-load in this case) or come off. Without prop though your gonna waste the next couple weeks pretty much until the E kicks in. Not gonna be a 6 week cycle anymore either lol.
Personally I'd go back to your source and make him swap me for the prop. But I'm assuming thats not an option for you so.. What week are you up to in your cycle? And do you have enough prop to finish the cycle?
Only week 2, and I do have enough prop to finish. The test e ended up being an extra vial, as a gesture of good faith or something. Unfortunately it kind of messed me up instead.
Only week 2, and I do have enough prop to finish. The test e ended up being an extra vial, as a gesture of good faith or something. Unfortunately it kind of messed me up instead.

How much test are you taking a week to go through one whole vial in your first week?
How much test are you taking a week to go through one whole vial in your first week?

LOL. was wondering the same thing. If hes doing 100mg eod, he should have 3ml or 300mg left in the first vial. OP have you been pinning the same vial, so test e, the entire time?
My last cycle i started it with test prop at 75 mg eod right along with 600 mg of test c.. I ran the test prop for 5 weeks tell the long Esther fully kicked .. Did this with the prop so it would kick in faster,, test is test,, so I don't really see the concern here. Just get more test prop (or get more test prop and test e and run them together,,, drop the prop after 6 weeks and run the test e til week 12)
Only week 2, and I do have enough prop to finish. The test e ended up being an extra vial, as a gesture of good faith or something. Unfortunately it kind of messed me up instead.

Then I would continue as planned with the prop. And pin the 100mg of prop you missed out on, the 250mg of E isn't gonna do a whole lot.

1 vial of test e isn't gonna add much to your TT.. if you wanted to run it you could alongside your prop, but I wouldn't run it without prop or you'll get a big drop. Personally I'd just save it for a future long-estered cycle..
Taking with 2 friends so it went faster. Taking 100mg EOD.


first of all you're out of your mind thinking a 6 wk cycle is gonna be the slightest bit effective... and then you go on to say you are sharing a vial of prop with 2 friends??? come on! are there really people out there lacking "smarts" this much???