HELP: Thoughts on this advice I was given from "steroid dealer guy"

Firstly, I'm a girl, 5'11, 70kg (150lbs) around 19%bf. Wanting to compete in bikini class this September, training for 2 years, currently bulking.

He said I should take tamoxifen because he says it will help get rid of my saddle bag area (I hold a lot of fat on the side of my glutes that make me look quite wide there) he said this is because my oestrogen is too high and that taking tamoxifen will help get rid of it. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS?? I've never heard of it before.
Also said I'll need clen & that I DONT need anavar because I've already got a good enough muscle foundation. Which is fine by me.

Also said I need to no Deadlift, or train obliques or traps becuase it'll thicken my waists and shorten the look of my neck (traps)

Thoughts on this advice, especially about the tamoxifen
Well, u don't need a "steroid dealer guy" for that. Rui at the top carries all that stuff. As far as nolvadex goes, it was meant to be taken by women with breast cancer. As far as what he said, never heard that. Hopefully Psizzle (i think) will post up for you.
He said my oestrogen is high because of the way I'm shaped. He said women who carry their weight in their glutes/saddle bags more have higher oestrogen, and women who carry it more in their stomachs have higher ______ (something beginning with A I think) does this make any sense?

Also said that clen doesn't have to be taken 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, that that's nonesense
Tell him hit the road cause we on here/ or at least ME think he's full of shit. He wants to fill your head with bullshit like he knows so much "the doctor" and the "trainer".

Also as was said you need blood work to know what your "E" is at,not looking at your body. :dunno:
If you want to go taking breast cancer drugs because a steroid dealer thinks you have high estrogen, you can do that.. But if you care about your health you need to see a doctor and get a full hormone panel ran and get a professional opinion on where your estrogen levels are at...

You may want to look up tamoxifen and it's side effects in women (drugs. Com),, before you go taking it.

Nobody can look at a female body and know their hormone panel and blood levels of estrogen.. Sounds like he has some extra tamoxifen he needs to get rid of
Ok, he was foreign so there might have been miscommunication, but does tamoxifen not help women lose suburb fat that is caused by estrogen... Like the fat build up I have on a putter glute? Maybe this is what he meant
Ok, he was foreign so there might have been miscommunication, but does tamoxifen not help women lose suburb fat that is caused by estrogen... Like the fat build up I have on a putter glute? Maybe this is what he meant

Diet is the determining factor here.. You said you were on a bulk right now, fat in the glutes will stay there until you go into a full on cut with calorie deficit and carb cycling..

Tamoxifen does not target fatty stores in women in any way shape or form. It blocks the action of estrogen and keeps the estrogen from stimulating breast cancer cells.

I'd focus on diet, maybe look into Albeutorol to help as a mild fat burner
He wants me to meet him Monday to go over my diet Etc... Should I just not show up?

I'm on 2500 cals right now, he said I just be on 1000 LESS & also said it's possible to lose Fat & gain muscle at the same time.. Which is what made me suspicious in the first place. Like, my show isn't for 28 weeks. 1500 cals 28 weeks out??
Steer clear of this guy if he told you you can build muscle and loose fat at the same time.. That is only possible for men who are on very well put together steroid cycles and have a perfect diet.

It's hard to have multiple goals at the same time in this sport.. You basically have to pick one thing, go,after it, then work on the next thing. If your main goal is to tighten up your ass, then you need to focus on that and work on that (yet without neglecting the other aspects).. If you want to build muscle, then you need to focus on that and not fat burning.. Pick what you think your body needs most right now to get to your goals.

On a side note-- I'm not a big fan of "bulking" and "cutting" for female athletes.. That works fine for guys running steroid cycles,, but not so much with woman, just my opinion.. I think bulking and cutting idea has become main stream but it was always traditionally a male body builder using steroids thing in the past.

I think your calories are too high to go after your goal of loosing fat on the glutes.. There's a lot that goes into coming up with your calorie intake that may be needed.
You should post in the diet section and that can get dialed in there
This is what >>I<< (2 years training experience and have gained 1.5 stone naturally) think I should do, keep bulking ( I'm not too worried about my not-so-lean glutes right now) until my prep starts in may (ill get a good coach) during my prep I plan to take clen to help me keep muscle and burn fat.
And I'm only 20, I've plenty of time to learn myself and don't listen to random ass bros who tell me to not eat dairy, eat really clean year round and other out dated stuff like that. I don't want to end up giving myself cancer or messing up my fertility just to look good fast
I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing, I've gotten this far.. I'm not trusting anyone here in Ireland. I just don't think bodybuilding is big enough here for there to be any real "experts"
Be patient take your time and you'll figure out what works for you. --- advice and what works for someone else may not work for you,, it's a personal journey
Be patient take your time and you'll figure out what works for you. --- advice and what works for someone else may not work for you,, it's a personal journey

This is solid advice ^^^^. Get you diet together and training routine. o what you are doing but get it all dialed in for you building LMM. Through in some aerobics (some) on a regular routine AFTER your intense workouts. Aerobics is the only way to BURN Fat tissue.
Tamoxifen blocks estrogen from attaching in the breast tissue. It does not decrease your estrogen however. Other than working to shrink your breasts, I cannot see how it would help you lose fat.