Help with 1g of anavar into Oral Solution?


Gettin Swole
I just ordered 1 gram of Anavar powder and would like to make it into 50cc of 20mg strength. Do I just add 50cc of everclear and heat it up until it disolves?? Also does it stay suspended in everclear or do you have to shake it before each use? Thanks for the Help!
suspended and solution are two differnt things. whether it stays in solution or not dont matter. if it is settles out just shake it.

but yea add 50ml of EC and Anavar (var) powder. heat til it clears. i dont know if it holds or not. if you make it 40mg/ml it will not be as unpleasant. EC is nasty specially if you gotta drink it 3 times per day. course youy could make screw drivers with a little OJ =0)
before you make an oral with EC or peg, you say to yourself...its easy nothin big. But damn, i dread when i gotta swallow more liquid clomid.
Horrible shit, i almost want to skip it some days.
i got the currect clomid from universalkits. The taste is crazy bad...not just ec but some nasty solvents as well.

And nolva is shown to be pretty sub par for post cycle therapy (pct) usage, compared to clo anyways. I use both though, clo for hpta purposes and ndex for the E imbalance im in right now. Shit sucks.
clo tatses bad no matter what you put it in. it is just plain nasty. I was joking about the nolva dougy. =0)