Help with my cycle


New member
I was thinking about running epi 2a3a for the first time and taking for about a 6 week cycle. I originally wanted to run d-Bol when I was bulking more but baldness runs in my family so I don't want to be that young bald guy at parties. Anyway I read that epi stacks good with halo V. I wanted to get people's thought on that if I should stack the two or run epi solo? If I did run them both then what would be a recommended dosage? I may be stupid for this but who care, what time of day should I take both if I did stack them? Would I take them at the same time of different times of the day. I do plan on running cycle assist with it and a proper post cycle therapy (pct). I read that some people used post cycle 3x as a post cycle therapy (pct)? I know better and to run a proper serm and would probably do clomid because my friend has a bunch already. Which brings me to my next question should I really use a serm or just run that post cycle 3x as my post cycle therapy (pct)?

My epi would run like this 30/30/30/40/40/40
Vitamins, fish oil etc.
Cycle assist
Clean diet

I weight 260 and I am about 6'5

Would really appreciate any input about doing the stack or running the solo ph. Would also appreciate the input for a proper pct and names of specific products so I actually know what to look for.