help with sex drive


hard gainer
hey ladies
i needs some help with the wife, she has a really low sex drive and wants to improve it, can anybody suggest any supplements or roids that could help her with this.
many thanks
She should get her hormones checked. I have a very low sex drive, had my hormones checked and found out I was very low in test & dhea.

Before I had my hormones checked I did run a cycle of ananar for muscle building. The 1st month my sex drive increased dramatically but afterwards my sex drive disappeared again. I wouldn't suggest doing anavar just for sex drive.
i love to hear guys come on here and ask these questions.

OP- why don't you have her come on the forum and ask her own questions so she can help us understand why she has a low sex drive (if she really does) and maybe we can point her in the right direction. Until then, i go with the 1st post in this thread.