

New member
i just looked up on my search engine for finaplex pellets and all i could come up with was finaplex-H is this what i am looking for and i wanted to make a 50ml bottle of it what kit do i need to convert this(2g?4G?) and all the info you guys could give me would be helpfull thanks and also what pther supplies do i need i refuse to pay $200 bottle for the stuff thanks
Have you tried the Search button yet in the Chemica Study Forum

Just a though....


Mini Me
yea .. thats what fina is ... the -H
you will need two of those 2g (2 gram) finaplex-H carts and then you will need to purchase the 4g (2 cart kit) from Mr.T
(4 gram kit)
it will be around 40ml though ... so I just add a 10ml vial of test prop and whala you have now made some Fina/Prop ;)