

New member
i hav no clue how much my bf% is . i need help on diet and working out . this is my natural boday state . i never work out i have only really justed surfed and been real active . i just went down to my agency and they said my face looks real puffy and i need to look a lot more lean and ripped help and i have only a month to get the shit together .
You are pretty lean. If you loose more bf you'll look skinny as you don't have very big muscles.
I think you may be 12-13% bf
i have no clue what to do to get lean i have never really eaten good for me and worked out if there is any threads or knowledge you guys could pass on i would appreciate it . they said i have a month to get my shit together for this shoot
i cant get any bigger they just want me lean and ripped i only weigh 160 now and 6 ft tall they want in between 155 and 160 but with sick as abs . what the fuck i do for money
Your lean enough to wait 1 week out from the shoot, on Friday start sodium load drink 2 gal of water and cut carbs (under 100gms) until wed. Thurs. cut out all sodium, cut water to ½ gal. carb load 2 grams per lb of bw, friday 3 grams per lb, sat. take sips of water carbs @ 3 gms per lb of bw. Remember no sodium wed - sat. That is assumin your shoot is on Sat, if not adjust according to...........Later.
alright i will try that and see what happens is there any exercises i can do to help the abs come out
kilo45 said:
alright i will try that and see what happens is there any exercises i can do to help the abs come out

As far as building anything up, what you have at this point is what you've got to work with. Your abs are looking good already, just gotta pull a little water and they will be sick.
kilo45 you are looking for some exercizes to start giving you an edge. Get to the chin up bar and start stretching out the upper back area between the shoulderbades. Hang, stretch, do a total of 25 pullups in 5 sets. Work up to 50 in 5-6 sets in the next few weeks.