my plan on this, my first well geared up cycle will be 2 more weeks (revised) of 500 mg omna week and 40 mg dbol ed. then i run the last 6 weeks (revised) at 500mg omna and 50mg Winstrol (winny) tabs daily.....i am going to eat clean and get good carbs and good protein and drop the fat out...I am planning on getting about 10%-15% fat intake.....hit some cardio and work abs...and keep training moderately heavy, but getting reps from 8-12 for my 3 sets....should work out o i figure...on the Winstrol (winny) tabs issue,,,,i know some have issues with IP Winstrol (winny) tabs and what the actual mg of the tabs are, i was thinking about hewing 100 mg ed, 25 in a.m. and 25 p.m. I will be running proviron daily as i have from the start of this...what do you guys think...i have the clomid for after......i am going to wait 2 weeks to start thr clomid ed at 100mg for 3 weeks.....maybe 4 weeks....