Here goes...from start, middle, to finish...

Differance from 4/5 to 4/12 is even noticable, you are really starting to look thick now.

Man I am always envious when I see someone that can put on the mass that fast! :)
I don't know why in the hell I posted a new topic. I should have added the 4/18 pictures to this post. Oh well....

Yeah, I'm seeing a considerable amount of strength gains, as well as muscle gains. I'm definitely starting to add a little water weight to my midsection because I took the advice of others and made my diet not-so clean. I now cheat 1 time a week, & I ripped some serious tacos on saturday. I know that had to bloat me.

Plus I went out for the first time in 2 months Saturday night, & had a few Screwdrivers with my wife.....

And when I got home. :spank:
looking great brotha, looks like you are holding a little more water now which is good cause your strength will go up.

I myself am 5'10 and 195ish and let me tell yuo i gained a bit on my love handles too, but hasnt stopped me cuase i just wnat to get bigger everywhere.

Still not sure when i am cutting, but that is a story within itself.

Keep up the good work, looking great!!!!
Thanks for the comments guys. Yeah, I'm definitely starting to hold the water in my abs. I think it will subside when I stop taking the dbol. And, I'm going to the beach tomorrow.....damn water weight has good timing eh?? :nopity:

I figured I would add the pictures to this post.

Maybe I won't gain too much fat on this beach trip....I will try to eat as clean as I can, but I can't promise
good gains bro!
Start hitting the back abit more and youll be great!
What is the cycle? and for how long?
Starting weight was 180.

Just got back from the beach, and my weight is holding at 196. I gained 9 fucking pounds in 6 H2O.

My cycle is in day 28 now. I have been taking:

Dbol @ 25mg day
Cypionate @ 500mg Week

I will add tren in week 6, & post cycle therapy (pct) is taken care of to the max. I will list if you would like, but I have another post in the archives that says it.
Thought that I would update some recent pics.

My weight is up to 196, & my strength is considerably higher. I am holding a little more water than I would like, but I have to get my cardio in check or it won't be coming off.

Plus I have cheated about 5 times in the past 2 weeks, & red wine isn't helping either.

But I feel that if I keep the cardio going strong then I will lose the water.

I opted not to do the tren though. I can't take the risk of getting cystic acne right now. I have added some Winstrol (winny) at 50mg every day to keep gaining lean mass, and Winstrol (winny) has always been good to me, so we will see what happens. I sure do wish that I was on the tren though. :(

Now that I see these pictures compared to when I was at the beach, I can tell that I have added some unwanted water to my sides & back. Damn it.
For what its worth, when I got back from the beach I lost a lot of the weight that I put on, & I have slowly gained it back. But I'm considerable thicker that those pics.

Current stats:

Waist: 32"
Thighs: 25"
Calves: 17 1/4"
Chest: 46 flexed
Forearms: 14"
Arms: 17"
Did a lot of cardio this week, so my weight is dropping a little. I'm around 192 to 193 as of right now. Finishing up week 7. I have 2 more weeks worth of cypionate, & probably 4-5 more weeks of Winstrol (winny).

I'm anxious to see my results of cutting up after the cypionate bloat gets out of my system. Thank goodness I have been running adex/nolva throughout this entire cycle.

I'm probably not going to gain much weight, hopefully I can keep the size that I have now, less some of the water weight post cycle. We shall see. I will be happy at a cut up 185.