here i am


New member
sorry about the mirror i didint have anyone to take them i m 5'8 holding at 190 about 13 %bf in dec i was 17 just finishing up a deca test cycle i liked it but i think i might try tren next any suggestions on a tren cycle
another one

this first one was last january o5 at 155lbs the next one was 6 months ago at 175 thought i would add these in
hey bro i am assuming your post means that you were 17% bf in december. right?

nice progress, keep adding weight to your frame.
solid gains, tren is strong stuff throw a little test in and keep working your ass off...then youll see some really nice after pics.
yes in dec sorry about that i have been stuck at thiswieght for awhile but i was doing alot of cardio and trying to eat alot still i want to get to 200lbs but it seems impossable and holding 13%bf maybe on the next cycle
congrats bro. i was pretty much in the same situation as u, started at 142 got to about 172 lbs then did a m1t cycle for 3wks and got to where i am at now 185 lbs for 5'8" did this in about 5 months. My opinion is the same as fullypaully hit the back more and bi's.
good luck.