Here I go again. Need some feed back guys.


New member
I'm going to be starting my next cycle. It's going to be
Week 1-6
150 mg test p Ed
50 mg liquid dbol Ed
Week 7-12
150 mg test p Ed
50 mg tren a Ed
Exmistane every day and liquid peami not sure what dose I should be doing for either so help me out. Pct same as most Nolva,clomid and whatever else I might need depending on what labs look like.
Diet is pretty good and clean. Workout Monday- fri. Weekends are for my kids only. Thanks for any and all advice. I have thick skin so speak your mind. Thanks
Cycle history? If you have ran these before will depend on advice. 150 mg ED is quite a bit. Have you tried tren dosed higher than test? I prefer it that way. Less sides and bloat. I would run the tren 8-10 weeks but that's just experience with dbol
Cycle history? If you have ran these before will depend on advice. 150 mg ED is quite a bit. Have you tried tren dosed higher than test? I prefer it that way. Less sides and bloat. I would run the tren 8-10 weeks but that's just experience with dbol

3rd cycle first was test and dbol 2nd was test and tren. Never ran tren higher than test. Also thought about running tren at 700 a week and test at 500 but not sure about that one. I've had very little sides wit anything. So I'm open for any advice on what a better cycle would be. Never had deca, too scared of deca dick and my wife would kill me if that happened lol
Alot of people say a trt amount of test is enough when running a high dose of tren ex. 250 mg test and 6-750 tren per week. My previous cycle was 250 mg test and 500 tren. It worked well for strength mostly, not too much mass but I think that had to do with my diet. This go round I'm running 500mg test and 600mg tren. Not far enough in to give results though.
36 yrs old
178 lbs 5' 8". Been working out most of my life fell of for awhile in 2012 do to a car accident and lost alot of what I worked hard for in previous yrs. but ready to hit it hard ads hell again